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The Whitehouse Carnival Barker

Many of us have ran into a ‘Carnival Barker’ at one time or the other in our lives, even if we weren’t familiar with the term.  The Carnival Barker is the loud mouthed person outside the Circus tent or Carnival gates  trying to get you  to spend your money by shouting things that may peak your curiosity. They shout things like come in and see the bearded lady, the worlds smallest horse, the two-headed gorilla etc.  If they are an effective Carnival Barker, they will convince you that if you pay to enter the show you will see things that you previously thought were nothing more than props used in the making of horror films and other assorted man made fiction. And the fact remains that very often that is just what you will see there, man-made fiction, with a quirk of nature thrown in once in awhile to keep you believing in the myths being promoted in the carnival atmosphere. The Carnival Barker must change your perception of what is real and what is not, in order to get you to buy into the mystic carnival sideshows shouted attractions.

Back in the days before TV and the Internet, people relied heavily on the word of mouth to promote their agenda and/or sales pitch. Where some people would believe in such a thing as the half man – half horse cirus attraction, and then entice others to pay to see it by telling them how real it is, after a wider group of people observe the promoted freak of nature and determine that is is in fact, nothing more man made fiction, word travels around, and thus creates the demand for a new carnival/circus attraction that the more naive folks that will pay more money to see the latest attraction. Thus the value of the Carnival Barker in the old days before the Internet let people research the facts at home with lightning speed. Word spreads fast and the truth is more readily available for the public today, thus the decline of the Carnival Barker’s value and importance in persuading the public to pay good money to see fake phenomena.

Meet the new age Carnival Barker of modern day politics pictured above , Mr. Jay Carney, the current White House spokesman.  While he doesn’t wear the outrageous costumes of the Carnival Barkers of yester-year, make no mistake about it, he is in costume none the less.  The fact is, Mr. Carney is  made up in appearance to look like some sort of academic brain child, yet is being exposed to be just like most phony ex-Time magazine propaganda pimps responsible for the degrading of the once proud magazine. Note the glasses trying for the intelligent look, while hiding the beady, untrustworthy eyes. Notice the missing lips that this Carnival Barker often purses when acting like he is actually pondering a truthful, honest answer to the softball questions lobbed at him from the mainly Liberal propagandist White House press corp. Mute the next White House press conference the next time you see him on TV, and just observe Mr. Carney and you will get a totally different opinion of him. He actually will appear to be making an honest attempt at informing the tax paying citizens of America just what the current administration is up to and the reasons behind their actions …. until you turn the sound back on. Then it is all downhill from there for any informed citizen listening to the White House Carnival Barker, as he dodges any attempt at serious questions and/or explanations about why Barack Obama is doing this or that today. Just like the Carnival Barkers of decades ago, Mr. Carney is trying to sell the American people a bunch of bunk, while trying to change their perception of said bunk.  Lets take a look at some of today’s top questions about American citizen’s concerns and just what answers we have gotten from the White House Carnival Barker extraordinaire.

From FoxNews here, we see that the Carnival Barker will not tolerate anyone questioning Obama’s openness or lack thereof:

The “transparency” in the Obama administration means sometimes a question  can’t even get asked.

The discovery came today at the daily White  House news briefing with press secretary Jay Carney, who responded to a  request to be allowed to ask about the president’s positions: “I’m not going to  take your questions.”

Ironically, Les Kinsolving, WND’s correspondent at the White House and the  No. 2 reporter on the White House beat, had wanted to ask about Obama’s  openness.

While the White House Carnival Barker preaches about the current administration’s honesty and openness constantly, if you dare question blatant episodes that show lack of the same, you will be told that the Carnival Barker will not take any of your questions,  that is if you are among the lucky ones and do not get banned all together from the White House press corps for exposing the Carnival Barker’s lies and myths being told through his marching orders from the ringmaster himself, Mr. Barack Obama.

This is exactly like in the old movies, where they show the loudmouth guy being thrown out of the carnival by the strong man because he is calling the Carnival Barker a liar and a fake. Carnival Barkers have to be notoriously thick-skinned due to the fact that they rely on falsehoods and perception management to promote their bunk. Mr. Carney has shown himself to be fairly thin-skinned in his statement above, and therefor he must be considered a lightweight among the history of successful con-men Carnival Barkers. I do not look for Mr. Carney to last long as Obama’s Carnival Barker due to his misinformation and propaganda being proven to be nothing more than a bunch of bunk on a constant basis. Too much exposure to the real facts that dispel the myths being perpetuated by the Carnival Barker will always lead to the Carnival Barker being relegated to cleaning out the Circus horse stalls in the end, or in this case maybe relegate Mr. Carney back to writing for the now leftist propaganda rag , the bankrupt Time Magazine. Both jobs require the shoveling of massive amounts of manure, so the relevance between the two is quite ironic. Anyone with the least bit of common sense can see that the latest White House Carnival Barker, Mr. Jay Carney is as phony as a three-dollar bill in what he is trying to sell the American public.

The recent killing of the Muslim Terrorist Osama Bin Laden has the White House Carnival Barker caught in a  firestorm of misinformation and outright propaganda promotion. His explanation to the controversy about the White House’s dysfunctional messages about what really happened  during the killing of Bin Laden was that it is all simply due to the fog of war. What he failed to admit is that, as the White House Carnival Barker, Mr. Carney is the man operating the fog machine behind all the misinformation today. If you ask too real of a question about our White House today, the Carnival Barker will shut you out of the conversation. He will not tolerate anyone exposing the misinformation behind his message of the day, period.

Look at the demand for real proof of Bin Laden’s death being asked for today, in the form of releasing the pictures of Bin Laden after he was shot in the head. The Carnival Barker uses the excuse that the pictures are gruesome and that there are “sensitivities” here in terms of the appropriateness of releasing the photographs.  We see movies every single day labeled with extreme violence and bloodshed, and we make the decision on whether we want to view them or not. The same thing would apply to the pictures of Bin laden with half his head blown off. We can make our own decisions on whether to look at them or not, yet the Carnival Barker wants to change that perception to be that we need government approval to view them.  This is in line with trying to sell the American people the bunk and propaganda that we are not smart enough to make out own decisions in life, yet  Obama the Ringmaster and his Carnival Barker somehow are. I  hear you barking Mr. Carney, and I for one chose to walk right on by, and refuse to buy into your carnival act. The same goes for the rest of the “Carnival Barkers” in the pathetic so-called mainstream media. I,m simply not buying the fiction those clowns are selling today. America deserves better than this.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and GETTR

Published by
Rich Mitchell

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