Let me take you back to the last presidential election cycle. We were told that John McCain was the only hope for Republicans because he was a “moderate” who could draw in all of the independents, women, gays, and other “independent” focus groups. If we didn’t nominate McCain we were doomed. Dutiful Republican voters, with a nice dose of Democrats in open primary states, nominated McCain as the Republican candidate to save our nation. John McCain then ran a campaign I saw as designed to lose to Obama. He picked Sarah Palin as his running mate, an unknown entity from Alaska who no one had ever heard of. After the election he and his minions promptly blamed her for the loss.
Now let’s look at the facts behind my opinion. Sarah Palin was an unknown but successful political woman who had shown an ability to govern while still raising a family. She is a beautiful woman with a nice figure. I am not sure why, but this seemed to alienate many women, especially the liberal and moderate ones, not attract them. Hillary Clinton, who looks like a walrus on her good days, is beloved by all of the women’s organizations, yet Palin is hated. Why? Palin certainly isn’t as stupid as she is portrayed as being. Attractive, articulate, outspoken, and intelligent are not features that seem to be appreciated for their value, at least not in a female political candidate. Now top all that off with a conservative view of politics and you have another person “off the reservation” of political stereotyping by the left. If you don’t believe me, take a look at, and listen to, the women of the Democrat party.
Sarah Palin is very outspoken, with conservative main stream American views. She is articulate and has sensible ideas on how to
In the 2008 campaign, Palin was muzzled by the handlers McCain gave her, and when everything fell through she was made out to be the patsy, the reason Obama won the election. I believe Palin is hated by party insiders because she resonates with We the People and is interested in governing our nation by the Constitution not ruling by fiat as the party machinery of both parties like to do. Sarah Palin had a message of conservative policies that would have won the election and the Republican camp knew it so they stifled her.
I firmly believe that the plan was not to win, but to further the goals of the globalist New World Order faction running this country. Party insiders needed a scapegoat to blame when they threw the election. They wanted to be able to say that conservatism lost the election when the truth is that “moderatism” lost the election. I actually voted for Sarah Palin with the hopes that the ticket would win and McCain would keel over from a heart attack the day after he was sworn in and leave Palin as President.
Now we are in the midst of another election cycle and we are being fed the same left over talking points from 2008. And what are we hearing from the talking heads and party insiders? “We need a moderate to run so we can win”, “only an all-inclusive moderate can defeat Obama”, “the TEA Party is radical, racist, and a danger to America”, “anyone but Obama” is the mantra we hear from those who would have us believe they are on the side of patriotic Americans.
The problem here is that I read so much on the online social network sites I belong to, and hear so much in the media, that shows me this tale of defeat is being accepted as fact by those I thought had learned the lesson of 2008. We are being herded, just like in the 2008 cycle, into a fear based decision that will take us down the road to tyranny, just not as quickly as with Obama.
The Republican establishment is not the friend of We the People. They are globalist New World Order operatives hiding in plain sight. They are trying to stampede us into being so fearful of Obama and his Marxist ways that our ballot decisions will be made from an “anyone but Obama” outlook. This attitude will give us either Barack Obama or his lighter skinned twin in 2012, just like 2008. This tactic, if successful, will give us another candidate who will not run to win but will run to further the goals of the globalists they represent.
I am looking forward to the day when the TEA Party is a candidate party, and I will actually have someone to represent my views of freedom, liberty, and a government once again based on The Constitution of the United States of America. When that happens, those like myself who are registered as Republicans will gravitate to the TEA Party. Those who believe in “moderatism” will gravitate to the Democrat Party and the Republican Party will cease to exist.
I see today’s Republican Party as akin to the “Tories” in Revolutionary War days. The Tories were those who wanted to remain under the thumb of the British rather than fight for the freedom to choose their life styles. They wanted the Colonies to go back to the system their forefathers had fled in Europe rather than take a chance on freedom. They were so afraid of the unknown that they wanted to keep the tyranny they had rather than take a chance on a freedom that left questions to be answered.
Today, I see many normally conservative people having those same fears and deciding to settle for an evil not quite as bad as what we have rather than take a chance on true freedom. I see the Republican Party insiders aligned with those who see the United Nations and a one world government as the way to solve the issues facing America today, and all too many people who are willing to accept a watered down freedom rather than fight for true freedom.
I have no desire to remain under the thumb of any government, especially ours. I want to be free to make my own decisions, to own or not own guns, to make my own way in life, to eat the foods I want to eat, to ride a motorcycle with or without a helmet if I so desire. I want my government protecting our shores from attack, not protecting me from myself. I want my government controlling who comes and goes across our borders, not controlling how I worship God, what I eat, or how I spend my money. I want my government to get out of the way of business so I can prosper, not control the economy and decide who prospers.
If we settle for mediocrity, as we did in 2008, we will find the same result we found then. If we settle for someone who accepts abortion, “gay rights”, amnesty for illegal aliens, or big government control of every aspect of our lives we will find the soft tyranny continuing to grow stronger as time goes on. It may not grow as fast as under Obama but it will grow. If I am in a runaway vehicle headed toward a cliff it doesn’t matter if that vehicle is going 60 mph or 80 mph, I want the vehicle stopped and turned around, right now not a few years from now. Remember, it was a “compassionate conservative” who gave us the unconstitutional Patriot Act, and Republicans who overwhelmingly supported the extension of same earlier this year.
If we are willing to elect Romney or Perry, and keep Boehner and McConnell in Congress, what have we gained? Have you seen any real progress towards freedom and financial responsibility in Congress or have you seen accounting tricks and posturing? Have you seen anyone willing to get tough on policy or have you seen Republicans compromising with themselves in order to please the Democrats and get their support on legislation while ignoring 67% of We the People? Have you seen Boehner playing golf with Obama, smiling and saying “we can work together”?
What will you do? Are you willing to accept the soft tyranny of liberal Republicans or will you stand up for freedom and nominate someone who will stand on the Constitution? I will not support, nor will I vote for, soft tyranny regardless of how it is packaged.
In the spirit of transparency, I want you to know I am not a couch quarterback. I have become involved to try to return the Republican Party to We the People. I am a member of the Rogers County Oklahoma Republican Party and serve as a state committeeman. I am actively trying to make real substantive changes in the party so the need for the TEA Party to become a candidate party disappears. I will do as much as I can but there needs to be a willingness on the part of the party hierarchy to represent me and those who agree with me. So far I haven’t seen much from the national level to give me any confidence in their acceptance of We the People as the true arbiters of power in government.
Anyone but Obama is not the answer, CONSERVATISM is the answer. Going along to get along with Democrats will not bring us freedom or liberty. True conservative policies will.
God Bless You God Bless Israel God Bless America
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
October 16, 2011
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