The current Occupy Wall Street/ Occupy L.A, and Occupy Chicago protests all carry one main theme: Evil capitalism must be abolished so Liberals can enforce their Social Justice fraud upon the people of America. It all hinders on the underlying Marxist wealth redistribution agenda inherent in all Socialist movements throughout world history. These protests are simply a remake of centuries old societal battles between the haves and the have-nots. It simply boils down to the Capitalism inherent in a free market society vs. Socialism/Soft Communism and it’s share-the-wealth fraud. Milton Friedman explains this in a short video simply titled, Greed:
As Mr. Friedman asks in the above video, just where are these Angels that are supposed to come along with the Socialism that Liberals always say will produce a better society? No system has done more for the betterment of a country’s society than the free market system has proven to do in all of world history, period. When these anti-capitalism protests started a little ways back, they appeared to have many demands that were aligned with the grassroots Tea Party movement . They were protesting certain bailouts, big government expansion and crony-capitalism. Keep in mind that many political movements are frequently not what always they appear to be, and this movement is no different. This past weekend there were numerous signs that this movement has now been co-opted by elements from within the Obama administration, if they were not in on the initial planning to begin with. This past weekend we saw no less than five Obama-supporting Unions busing in lots of people, along with many Leftist celebrities making appearances to draw attention to these movements. Then we saw the appearance of the admittedly Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders show up at the Occupy Wall Street protests as to somehow give these protests validity. Socialism vs evil Capitalism is what these protests are all about here, and it is right out there for all to see. This is also right out of the very same Chicago community organizing handbook that now has inserted a man into our White House. Coincidence? Not hardly, unless you are really naive and totally uninformed today.
Why would Obama and/or his handlers and political operatives be involved in orchestrating these protests? How about the fact that the biggest influence behind the 2012 elections will be the terrible economic recession, high unemployment, and the failed stimulus package that are all a direct result of Barack Obama’s anti-Capitalist roots that drive his policy-making? The facts are out, and the people will be making Obama a one-term President in 2012, and he is desperate do anything that will once again shift the blame towards Republicans. These protests are an attempt to distance Barack Obama from his failed policies and the massive increases of national debt he has piled onto the backs of our children. Notice how quickly the big Unions jumped into these protests? They are also desperate to remain in power, and they need another four years of Obama’s "making sure that Unions have a seat at the White House dinner table," as Obama stated in 2008 while begging for the Union votes to get into the office at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
These Wall Street protests have Obama written all over them. The protesters are carrying signs against the 2008 G.W. Bush TARP bailouts, (which were drafted and passed through a Democratic Senate and House at the time, by the way ) yet not one single protester was seen carrying a single sign protesting any of Barack Obama’s numerous bailouts of GM, Chrysler, big banks, Wall Street and the failed $826 billion stimulus bill. Not one. Coincidence? Not hardly. How about the fact that not one sign has been seen denouncing Obama and company’s $528 million dollar taxpayer loan to the now bankrupt Obama campaign donors in the Solyndra Solar debacle? That sure looks like the evil crony-capitalism they are supposedly protesting at these Occupy Wall Street protests doesn’t it?
While these protests may have started out innocently enough as a true grassroots movement, (which is highly doubtful) every single aspect of the protests in Chicago, (Barack’s turf) L.A. (Barack’s home state away from home) and New York, (plenty of do-nothing sheep living in the streets there to join in) It now has all the footprints of the Obama 2012 reelection campaign being orchestrated in the Chicago community organizing mold. When it comes to big money, Chicago-style politics, there simply are no coincidences.
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