The Amy Koch Scandal Illustrates Who Has Standards And Who Doesn’t!

Snarky letters from the “Gay Community” aside, the resignation and scandal of Minnesota Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch is a painful embarrassment to the Minnesota GOP and for Protection of Traditional Marriage activists.

Senate Majority Leader Koch resigned her post Dec. 15 amidst accusations of having an inappropriate relationship with a male staffer, one day after a confrontation with members of her party. She will remain a Senator but said she will not seek re-election. Koch was elected to office in 2006 and re-elected in 2010.

Koch did not name the person with whom she had an affair, but insiders believe it might be Michael Brodkorb,  a staffer who helped write a protection of marriage act currently being considered in the Minnesota legislature. Minnesota statues already bans gay marriage, but the amendment to the constitution would add more protection against legal action taken by the gay community activists who want to extend marriage benefits to same-sex couples.

On Tuesday, the Senate GOP elected Rochester resident Dave Senjem as the new Senate Majority Leader after a 10-hour debate. Senjem was first elected in 2002 to the Senate and previously held the title of Senate Minority Leader before that honor was passed onto Democrat Senator Tom Bakk.

Koch is reported to have received a sarcastic letter from gay activists “apologizing” for sabotaging her “traditional marriage”. The letter, written by John Medeiros of Minneapolis, says in part:

“On behalf of all gays and lesbians living in Minnesota, I would like to wholeheartedly apologize for our community’s successful efforts to threaten your traditional marriage… We apologize that our selfish requests to marry those we love has cheapened and degraded traditional marriage so much that we caused you to stray from your own holy union for something more cheap and tawdry.”

See the whole letter at

To no one’s surprise, LGBT activists have piled on praising the exit of Koch from Senate leadership claiming it a victory against anti-gay marriage legislation. Articles bashing Koch have appeared in the Daily Kos and in the Minneapolis/St. Paul City pages.

The Koch resignation and scandal certainly hurts, and the Liberal response to it is not surprising. What is surprising and under-reported is the response of GOP leaders in this matter. Koch’s demise as Senate leader didn’t come as the result of an attack from opponents, it is the result of action taken by her peers, who felt that her inappropriate relationship, or her leadership, had to end for the good of the party.

Liberals and progressives have repeatedly demonstrated through the years that they have no moral compass. The only compass they own points them to a place where they may take political advantage over their enemies.  (Remember serial molester Bill Clinton, housing market burning flamer Barney Frank and pervert Anthony Weiner). Time after time they will defend their offensive leaders tooth and nail stating that, “it doesn’t really matter. It only matters how he votes” or “it’s only a lie about sex, everybody does it.” Weeks, months and years go by before any Liberal politician is forced by the opposition party to step down. But when leaders of the same party, the Grand Old Party, hold the line, the offender agrees to the standard set and immediately concedes to the will of her peers, a stark difference between us and them.

Conservative MegaBlogger Andrew Brietbart brilliantly illustrated this point at his memorable appearance at the Americans For Prosperity’s right-wing blogger conference RightOnline2011 that took place earlier this year in Minneapolis. He essentially called out the Liberal Media hypocrisy in which they unapologetically defend their politicians who behave badly while at the same time pillaring conservative women like Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin. See the video on You Tube at around the 7:57 mark.

“I think there’s kind of a cool parady there,” said Brietbart, “I’m not, like, for the suppression of the outing of corrupt corporations. I’m not for the suppression of the outing of corrupt Republicans. In fact there’s a huge difference. . . I’m totally for all these Republican screwballs getting in trouble, getting fired, or quitting the day they get caught, not stretching it out for three ludicrous unbelievably joyful weeks. Thank you Congressman Weiner!”

While the Liberal establishment gaily, (oh my, did I really use that word?) jumps up and down in unapologetic glee and celebration, there is an important thing to remember: the state GOP is stronger not weaker for having stood up to their leader and applying the standard.

Conservatives and Christians aren’t perfect. We occasionally have our leaders who with their faults and foibles fail us. The difference between us and them is that we recognize the higher standard, the one higher than man’s whim. That’s why we hold our leaders to account and why they don’t.

The Left is correct in stating that the major issue on the ballet of 2012 will be jobs. That’s good because in the area of job creation they’ve sucked royally as the Liberal Policies of Jimmy Carter sucked. It means we have the political leverage because Minnesotans and Americans as a whole know that the Left have no idea how to create a job and we do. That’s why we will win in 2012.

But the social issues are important too and conservatives need to continue to push back against progressivism and uphold our values in the face of their assault. Most people recognize the rights of gays as human beings the same as everyone has basic civil rights, but most of us still believe that marriage is defined as an established relationship between one man and one woman. And, we believe that leadership matters.

The Amy Koch story won’t change that. This story simply illustrates who has standards and who doesn’t.

Jeremy Griffith

Jeremy Griffith is conservative blogger and retired officer of the United States Army Reserve. He writes for his own blog at

Published by
Jeremy Griffith

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