During the debate about Barack Obama’s recent big government attempts to mandate that religious organizations pay for free contraceptive and after-the-fact abortion pills, there has been very little discussion of the fact that these abortion pills are seen by many Americans as a way to commit legal murder by killing a developing fetus while it is still in the womb. Also of note is that when people do a browser search for “abortion pill” Planned Parenthood is the very first “recommended by google” site to come up. No health professionals, no doctor’s groups, and no scientific studies are even in the top 10 search results for abortion pills. That is blatant internet media manipulation designed to nudge people’s perceptions of what is right or wrong in America today, and I for one find it a disgusting disservice to all Americans, especially young women thinking about having an abortion.
Here are a few of the young mind-maniputaling tidbits being spread nationwide by Planned Parenthood, many times by using your tax dollars: ( emphasis added at times)
What is the abortion pill?
The abortion pill is a medicine that ends an early pregnancy. In general, it can be used up to 63 days — 9 weeks — after the first day of a woman’s last period. Women who need an abortion and are more than 9 weeks pregnant can have an in-clinic abortion.
The name for “the abortion pill” is mifepristone. It was called RU-486 when it was being developed.
That Planned Parenthood definition of the abortion pill is the equivalent of saying that rat poison is a medicine to treat rats. It is that simple.
What happens during a “Medication” abortion?
It’s common for women to be nervous about having a medication abortion — or any other medical procedure. But many of us feel better if we know what to expect.
What they fail to tell young women are the lifelong feelings of guilt and shame many women suffer with for the rest of their lives, all because the “experts” at Planned Parenthood steadfastly and irresponsibly refuse to tell this side of the story.
Under Step 3, the follow-up visit after taking the abortion pill:
You will need to follow up within two weeks. Follow-up is important to make sure your abortion is complete and that you are well. You will need an ultrasound or blood test.
In the unlikely event that you are still pregnant, your health care provider will discuss your options with you. It’s likely you will need to have an aspiration abortion if the medication abortion did not end the pregnancy.
So just what is the innocent-sounding aspiration abortion? According to Web MD it is also known more fittingly as a suction abortion or a vacuum abortion. The manual vacuum abortion is when they use a syringe to suck the fetus tissue out, while the machine vacuum method uses a machine which involves the use of a hollow tube (cannula) that is attached by tubing to a bottle and a pump, which provides a gentle vacuum. The cannula is passed into the uterus, the pump is turned on, and the tissue is gently removed from the uterus. Note that nowhere in the Web MD description of these types of abortions is the word “aspiration” as Planned Parenthood refers to it.
Planned Parenthood also tries to imply that they do not receive any tax dollars to promote their main agenda: abortion-promotion. That is a blatant lie, as can be seen in the article titled, Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report: Got $487.4 million in Tax Money, Did 329,445 Abortions.
The Liberal-in-Chief, Barack Obama wants all Americans to pick up the tab for the sectors of American society’s irresponsibility and pay for abortion pills, against the main beliefs of a large sector of American society who view abortion as murder and a disservice to young, naive, pregnant women. So here is a suggestion: Since Liberal nanny-state worshipers want young women across America to have the abortion pills, let them pay for it. Take the millions of tax dollars being used to finance Planned Parenthood’s abortion-selling agenda away from them, and let the Liberal elitists in the media and elected public office donate their own cash for these abortion pills. We could even give proper credit to one of the main promoters of tax dollars being used for abortions in America today, Senator Barbara Boxer. We could name the new Liberal abortion-donation fund, the Barbara Boxer Buys Abortion Pills for Everyone, fund. Giving true credit where credit is due and all that.
Again, If it is such a great and noble cause, put your money where your Liberal rhetoric is and pony up a few million. The fact is these Liberals are full of dishonest hot air when it comes to actually “helping people” with their own money. They only want to help people with other people’s hard-earned dollars, including the taxpayers purse, as proven by the above expose’ on just how many tax dollars went to Planned Parenthood’s abortion mills. The minute any elected official starts talking about de-funding the Liberal abortion mills of Planned Parenthood, Liberal mouthpieces like Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer start screaming about women’s rights to proper health-care and “medicine.” More rat poison anyone?
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