Media Pushing False GM Success Story to Reelect Obama

   ***In living memory of conservative truth-teller Andrew Breitbart who passed away last week at 43 years of age. Andrew dedicated his life to exposing the Liberal media complex, and their constant refusal to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. This one’s for you Andrew. Godspeed.***

President Obama has made the GM “success story” a huge part of his reelection campaign of 2012. This false narrative about General Motor’s “record profits” has been constantly inserted into the numerous campaign speeches and fundraisers Obama has been on recently, always under the guise of them being policy speeches. Another fact that needs to be reported, is that these “policy speeches” are nothing more than [taxpayer-funded] reelect Obama pep rallies and campaign tours. Doesn’t America have a legislative body known as the U.S. Congress that is supposed to stop the illegal usage of tax dollars for reelection campaign operations? Congress idly sits by and remains silent, while Americans are bombarded daily with reelect Barack Obama speeches largely paid for by the taxpayer, and parroted on national television by his pals in the media. Stop the nonsense Mr.President, and pay for your own reelection campaign tour.

As far as the recent media bombardment of television replays of Obama campaign speeches trumpeting him as the great savior behind General Motor’s [supposed] record profits of 2011, let’s not forget that it was G.W.Bush and the Democratically-controlled Congress of 2008 who started the big government graft package to the UAW, also known as the auto bailouts. Barack Obama simply took advantage of this already-in-place big government fraud to further enrich his bed-pals over at the UAW in exchange for their campaign support. The false claims about the GM success story of 2011 contains many fallacies, all of which are being pumped out daily by the Liberal media complex to enhance Barack Obama’s reelection image: (emphasis added)

First off we see the Detroit News claiming that GM retook the stage as world’s largest auto maker in 2011. It didn’t take long for this fairy tale to be debunked, as we see from Motor Trend Mag. and the CEO of Volkswagen:

Now Volkswagen is disputing the claims and suggesting that it bested GM last year. According to Automotive News, Volkswagen’s 8.16-million figure doesn’t include sales from commercial truck divisions MAN and Scania. Once those figures are added, it will significantly bolster VW’s annual sales tally.

On top of that, GM’s sales figure was padded with about one million sales by Chinese automakers SAIC Motor Corp. and Wuling Motors Co. — companies with which GM has joint ventures, but in which the American company does not have a controlling stake. If those sales were excluded and VW’s truck figures added, Volkswagen would probably steal the global sales crown from GM.

President Obama should have enough political advisers and speechwriters researching that already-discredited claim, one which he shouldn’t have made in the first place, let alone keep on the repeating that kind of tripe to bolster his image. Yet it makes Obama look good, so expect him to keep on parroting that myth here in 2012. Obviously, the truth does not matter to Obama and his political operatives in the media, especially when there is a reelection campaign to run.

Next we see that “Millions of jobs were created or saved”  due to the taxpayer graft and abuse more widely known as the auto bailouts, which we constantly hear Obama claim  in numerous campaign speeches. What about GM laying off 70% of its employees at a Detroit plant recently, all of whom had just came off an extended layoff posing as a “Christmas break?” Warren Beatty explains The Never Ending Chevy Volt Saga:

“General Motors (GM), or Government Motors, announced on Friday, March 2, 2012, that it will suspend Chevrolet Volt production for five weeks to “align production with demand.” GM told 1,300 employees at its Detroit Hamtramck production facility that they will be temporarily laid off from March 19 to April 23, as the company halts production of the Chevrolet Volt and its European counterpart, the Opel Ampera. The plant had resumed production on February 6, 2012, after a prolonged Christmas holiday shutdown.”

Not only has the UAW [that now controls GM] been voraciously feeding at the taxpayer-funded TARP-trough, GM has also sucked down millions of tax dollars through the D.O.E. green energy programs. The Chevy Volt scam should be filed under double-dipping taxpayer abuse 101, while also being cross-filed under massive-taxpayer-funded green-energy-failures, right next to the green-cars-for-the-rich-Obama-supporters file. Taxpayers were subsidizing the Chevy Volt fireball-waiting-to-happen junker at the rate of $7500.00 per unit sold in 2011. In Obama’s latest Chevy Volt scam, he has asked the taxpayers to pay for an even bigger subsidy for the Chevy Volt: A whopping $10,000.00 dollars a pop! ( in his latest proposed budget for 2013) The Obama media complex was on TV last weekend blaming the Chevy Volt failure on… wait for it… bad publicity. Yet yesterday, a GM spokesman and Obama-puppet announced that one of the reasons the Volt plant workers were laid off is to “retool” the plant, which includes improvements to rebuild the battery cooling system in the Volt to prevent people from being burned alive while in it, or having their homes burned down while charging it. Which lie are the people supposed to believe there?

GM made $9 billion in 2011; how much did they pay in their fair share taxes? ZERO. See this Harvard law School Forum paper, on how Obama’s favorite tax evasion felon, and current treasury secretary, Tim Geithner gave GM and the UAW a $45 billion dollar tax break, which results in them being exempt from paying their fair share of taxes for about a decade or longer. Take away GM’s taxpayer-funded subsidies and illegal tax exemptions, and lo and behold the great reelect Obama GM success story is proven to be more in line with Marxist propaganda designed to fool the masses, as opposed to any form of truth-telling and government transparency. When is the last time anyone [ if ever] saw the mainstream media report on GM’s illegal tax exemption of $45 billion?  The Liberal Media Complex refuses to tell the truth as far as the GM refusing to pay their fair share in taxes-driven success story goes, and this mandate comes right down from the White House to the media to protect Obama and enhance his reelection chances.

Finally, as American’s watch President Obamacontinue to boast about GM’s “record profits”, ( while paying zero taxes) we see this from Ed Morrissey: Great news: Le Bailoutte de Peugeot avec Le US Taxpayer Francs, in which we see that GM buying stock in another failing car company, Peugeot of France, and one which was reduced to junk bond status the day after the “purchase.”

So how did that work out?  About as well as you’d imagine.  As soon as GM had some cash, it decided to invest it — in another car company whose bonds had achieved le junk status:

Attention U.S. taxpayers:  You now own a piece of a French car company that is drowning in red ink.

That’s right.  In a move little noticed outside of the business pages, General Motors last week bought more than $400 million in shares of PSA Peugeot Citroen – a 7 percent stake in the company. …

Peugeot can undoubtedly use the cash.  Last year, Peugeot’s auto making division lost $123 million.  And on March 1 – just a day after the deal with GM was announced – Moody’s downgraded Peugeot’s credit rating to junk status with a negative outlook, citing “severe deterioration” of its finances.

In other words, General Motors essentially just dumped more than $400 million of taxpayer assets on junk bonds.

What really proves the point that the mainstream media is promoting the reelection of Barack Obama through parroting the phony GM success story, is the fact that exactly zero major news networks have reported on GM’s recent purchase of 7% of Peugeot, and the subsequent downgrade to junk bond status the day after GM pumped $400 million bucks into the company.  ABC did report one troubling aspect of Government Motors purchasing another in-the-red car company, which is quite telling on it’s own:

ABC’s Jonathan Karl notes that while GM bought a big stake in Peugeot, the Peugeot family had an opportunity to buy a stake in GM.  They passed on that “opportunity,” which just proves that the Peugeot family is smarter than GM.

And Barack Obama is betting that America will be gullible enough to believe his media operatives fairy tale narrative on the great GM Success Story of 2012, and reward him with four more years in office, and to prove how well the Liberal media complex has sold this GM success-charade to the masses. As  the uber-courageous truth-teller and unabashed conservative, Andrew Breitbart would ask America: “Who are you going to believe when you go to the polls in 2012 to pick the next President of the United States, the Liberal media complex… or the truth contained herein concerning the big GM success lie of 2012?













DJ Redman

Published by
DJ Redman

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