Expect the Institutionalized “progressive” Left to Come Out in Force

Comedian Bill Maher gave $1 million to one of President Obama’s SuperPACs. Actor Alec Baldwin’s on record saying that Obama’s re-election ‘In the Bag’. Lanny Davis, who writes for The Hill, is busy covering up for U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder during Congressional investigations into the murder of U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry and hundreds of Mexican citizens resulting from the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Fast and Furious gun-running scandal. MSNBC stopped inviting Conservative author Matt Lewis to contribute on-air after the site he works for, the Daily Caller, reported about the influence George Soros funded Media Matters for America wields over that Network. “Coincidentally”, Conservative pundit Pat Buchannan was also dropped by MSNBC around that same time.

As is always the case with any non-white or non-male Republican star, the institutionalized “progressive” left media is focused on Florida Senator Marco Rubio who, being a Hispanic from a crucial swing state, poses an existential threat to the re-election of Barack Obama. Not surprisingly, openly leftist actress Eva Longoria joined in the attack by saying “Marco Rubio has been coming up with some silly stuff that we really have to sort through”.

Meanwhile, the American mainstream media remains silent after a BarackObama speech where he joked: “I went to the speaker’s home town,” referring to a trip to House Speaker John Boehner’s battleground state of Ohio, “stood under a bridge that was crumbling.” Somebody in the crowd shouted, “Let him drive on it!”

Cue the sound of crickets.

This is the same press that had a field day back in 2008 when, on one or two occasions, a few folks attending McCain/Palin rallies shouted ugly comments from the crowd. These incidents were reported as major, top of the broadcast, front-page news. Repeatedly, with frequency and vigor.

During nationwide May Day demonstrations by OWS, occupiers themselves willing admitted that their protesters were taking marching orders from big labor and public service unions like the AFL-CIO and SEIU.

One of the leaders of the Occupy Cleveland movement, Brandon Baxter, was arrested for a terrorist plot to bomb a bridge in Cleveland Ohio. The plot has been directly linked to the Occupy movement. The names and the official complaint have been confirmed.

There were multiple incidences of violence around the country, with occupiers shouting the likes of “Pigs Go Home” and “Down with Capitalism”. With tear gas in Oakland, violence and vandalism in Seattle, SEIU members disrupting Los Angeles International Airport, with Occupiers calling themselves anarchists and hurling Molotov Cocktails; despite all evidence to the contrary, American taxpayer funded NPR is still calling the violent Occupy protests “restrained”.

By comparison, when the Tea Party was the topic de jour, Democrats and their “progressive” Party Pravda lapdogs were quick to blame the Tea Party for each and every violent incident around the country. More than one fringe leftist whack-job, impersonating responsible journalists on American television’s most irresponsible cable network, held Sarah Palin personally responsible for the Gabby Giffords shooting in Tucson Arizona. Their supposed rationale was her use of the word target when discussing campaign strategy. Never mind that in similar applications, the word “target” had been used frequently by members of the Democratic Party. Members of the institutionalized “progressive” left smear machine somehow forgot to inform the public that “target” was first used as political jargon by 1980 Democratic presidential candidate Walter Mondale’s political strategist Bob Beckel.

A review of the visitor’s log confirms that AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka and former SEIU President Andy Stern have been frequent visitors to the White House. SEIU alone spent approximately $60.7 million to help elect Barack Obama to the White House in 2008. SEIU expects a return on their investment. Barack Obama was quick to embrace the Occupy movement when he saw his poll numbers sliding.

Before this November’s elections American voters should duly note such connections.

In case you haven’t noticed, or have yet to become fully convinced, bias within the institutionalized “progressive” left media is both very real and pervasive. With the presidential general election campaign about to get into full swing, expect it to get much, much worse. Truth coming from the institutionalized “progressive” left’s smear machine is as likely as them reporting that Elizabeth Warren can’t prove she has Cherokee blood in her veins.


Michael J. Fell

Published by
Michael J. Fell

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