Categories: Opinion

The Republican Party: The Party of Pathetic Progressive Cowards

I have been listening to the cacophony of cowardly Republicans jumping all over Congressman Todd Akin of Missouri concerning his comments about rape and abortion a few days ago.  I understand that what he said was ill-advised but he tried to answer a very tough question instead of dodging it as most politicians would do.  He did manage to make a mess of it but has attempted to make amends in a very humble and honorable fashion.  Akin has apologized profusely, explained what he actually meant, explained where he got the information he was basing his statement on, and has also acknowledged that he spoke on facts that he now knows were feasible but questionable.  The man made a mistake in the way he stated his point and the entire Republican Party is throwing him to the wolves for it.

 I was listening to him on the Sean Hannity Radio Show today and it reminded me of why I rarely listen to that political hack (  Rep. Akin explained himself, AGAIN, and said he was staying in the race.  Hack Hannity complains daily about the double standard in the media yet he is the first one to dive into the double standard, urging Akin to get out because he will “hurt the Republican Party”.  Hack Hannity must have “suggested” he step aside a dozen times in the few minutes Akin was on the radio.  How does one whine about a double standard and then jump right into the middle of that same double standard?  Isn’t that being a bit hypocritical?

Republican National  Committee chairman Reince Preibus and a whole bunch of former Missouri “moderate” RINO cowards are urging Akin to get out and let someone else run against Claire McCaskill, one of the most liberal of senators and an Obama doormat.  I heard today on the Hannity hack show that the “moderate” Mitt Romney is also urging Akin to step aside, “for the good of the party”.  What a bunch of slap fighting sissies!!! 

The reason Republicans can’t win is people like me are fed up with the cowardly actions of the party establishment.  Every time some liberal hollers boo they go hide under their beds and cry for their mommy.  Akin is a staunch supporter of the FairTax, has voted against all of the big spending Democrat legislation, voted no on raising the debt ceiling (, against the wishes of John Boehner and the other RINO’s in the party, and has voted against the party leadership on many other occasions because he values principal over politics.  AHA!!! I think I just struck on the problem Akin has today.  He actually shows honor, integrity, and backbone so he must be thrown to the wolves by the cowards of the party establishment.

I have said before, and I will repeat here, that I have more respect for Harry Reid, Dingy Harry Reid, than I do for John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and a host of others in the Republican Party.  Harry Reid will stand up in your face and say “SCREW YOU!!!“ when he has a different opinion.  Republicans, on the other hand, cower and beg for someone to let them do a little bit of what they want to do.  Reid has refused to pass a budget for 3 years because John Boehner doesn’t have enough backbone to force the issue.  Boehner the traitor passes one Continuing Resolution after another to keep Harry Reid, and fellow Republicans, from being forced to take a vote on a budget.  Boehner doesn’t want the budget “to be an issue right before an election”.  So much for the resolve needed to solve the financial problems of our nation. He will let Democrats go right on spending like there is no tomorrow because he doesn’t have the courage to take a stand.  And we ousted Pelosi for this wimp?  I don’t see a gain here.  The spending hasn’t dropped one iota since Boehner took over the speakership, and Akin is the one who is destroying voter confidence in the Republican Party?  I don’t think so!!

 And now to Mitty the Poo Romney.  I never thought he was the one America needs, until he picked Paul Ryan for his VP choice.  Finally, I thought, Mitty actually found a spine.  Then today comes and he is back to his cowardly “moderate” ways of throwing anything or anyone conservative to the wolves ( 

I have lived for 24 years with the “vote for this guy and we will get a conservative next election cycle” story.  It isn’t going to happen as long as We the People rely on the Progressive Republican Party to represent our conservative views.  Conservatism gets hammered by Republicans every time it sticks its head up.  Once again we see the lack of backbone that has kept Democrats in power, for the most part, over the last 60 years.  I saw this in 2010 when Charles Thompson, a staunch Constitutional Conservative, was running for the Oklahoma 2nd Congressional seat held by Democrat Dan Boren.  Charles refused to sell We the People out for his own benefit and the RNC refused to help him at all.  Charles lost the election by about 6% in a race that had not been closer than a 70%-30% split since Tom Coburn left for the Senate.  This is the attitude of the Republican establishment towards conservatives.

As long as we conservative voters rely on meeley mouthed cowards to represent us we will never solve the problems facing our nation.  Republicans have been a huge part of the problem because they lack the courage and the integrity to stand up for what they say they believe in.  They are real good at criticizing and back seat driving but they lack the fortitude to govern responsibly.

I was told a few weeks ago that there is no place for me in the Republican Party because I am critical of Mitty the Poo and the Republican establishment. I was told I need to either get behind the establishment totally or get out of the Republican Party and go Independent.  I told this person that I am exactly what the Republican Party needs, a person with the courage to stand up and tell Dingy Harry “SCREW YOU!!! we will do it right and bury you under public support”.  Maybe the man was right; maybe there isn’t a place in the Republican Party for a conservative with the backbone to stand up and speak boldly for true conservatism.  Courage and straight talk doesn’t seem to be appreciated in the Republican Party, nor does there seem to be a place for forgiveness.

 I say “crapola” on this hurting the Republican Party.  To me Akin’s show of repentance, courage, and the resolve to fight through this is refreshing.  I want to see men and women who will stand up for America and conservative values.  We the People need men and women who we can count on to stand up for us.  Look at what the establishment has done to Michele Bachman over the Muslim Brotherhood thing.  She and a few, a very few, others stand up for liberty and our way of life, and look what happens.  These same “moderates” that now throw Todd Akin under the bus castigated Bachmann for having the temerity to care about American values, American ideals, and the liberty guaranteed by the Constitution.

It is time for the Republican Party to show We the People they deserve our votes.  This whining about a “double standard in the media” just doesn’t cut it any longer, especially when they participate in such behavior themselves.  It is time to go out and find a spine.  Mitt Romney is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.  Why not spend some of that money on spines for all of the establishment elites of the party and give We the People, the conservative people, something to hang our hats on.  If they can’t stand with us now they don’t deserve our votes in November. 

Todd Akin is the sacrificial lamb Republicans will use to explain away any losses, just as Sarah Palin was McCain’s scapegoat in 2008.  America is going down the tubes to dictatorship because Republicans either don’t have the courage to change our path or they are complicit and desire to see a Third World toilet dictatorship established here.  Which is it Republican Party establishment?

I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

Bob Russell

Claremore, Oklahoma

August 21, 2012

Bob Russell

Graduated from Classen High School in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in May, 1968. Enlisted in the U S Army on December 11, 1968, serving 3 years in the 7th Special Forces Group as a Heavy Weapons Expert, attaining the rank of Sgt. E 5. upon separation went to work at Southwestern Bell Telephone on January 17, 1972 and retired on August 31, 2003. Also spent 1 year on active reserve as a member of the 14th Special Forces Group. attaining the rank of Staff Sgt. E6. started and operated a business installing wiring for telephone, data, and video surveillance systems from October 2003 until December 2011. Suffered a debilitating stroke on August 19, 2014. Now recovering and doing volunteer work at the Claremore, Oklahoma Veterans Center. Attends church in Claremore at CedarPoint and LifeChanger churches. Married to wife Marsha since August 2, 1989 with 4 daughters and a deceased son, 12 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.

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Bob Russell

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