Categories: Opinion

A Friend of the Tea Party. Really?

“…Americans for Tax Reform, its leader is Grover Norquist. The more popular name…is the Tea Party.”

Grover Norquist’s name surfaced recently in a publicized discussion about Islamic Jihadists that have taken root in America. No, he isn’t a Tea Party activist but apparently he’s identifying his 1985-founded ATR group with them and some Tea Parties are falling for it. The quote refers to the pair as a “Trojan Horse.” [Excerpted from The Washington Times, September 29, 2012]

I suggest Grover Norquist is the only Trojan Horse and if anyone’s been ‘Trojan Horsed’ it’s been the Tea Party.

Main stream media cites Norquist as “a conservative lobbyist and activist…responsible more than anyone else for rewriting the dogma of the Republican Party.” Norquist has attributed his successes to Ronald Reagan and whatever similarities Norquists sees there must’ve been left at that door a long time ago.

Norquist’s subsequent and by now renown “Wednesday meetings” at ATR are said to be the “Grand Central station of the conservative movement,” a “must-attend event” for Conservatives who receive an invitation. Operative words being ‘who receive an invitation.’ Reportedly some Tea Parties have and do. Norquist being the successful mind to which so many extend accolades, obviously his ‘invitations’ to the Tea Party are not by happenstance.

The discussion’s records are convincingly well-documented. Its practical facts drew a very scary picture of radical Islamists that few Americans have taken time to recognize; and, particularly, of Grover Norquist and his ATR. These conclusions are drawn from those records and my independent research of them.

Until the early 1990s Norquist seemed to be on the right track and that’s what pole-vaulted him into the powerful acclaims of Conservative standing that he enjoys today. In 1993 Norquist used those successes through ATR to launch “Wednesday meetings.” That’s about when Norquist appears to start wielding power in less than desirable directions.

Indications of Norquist’s fall from the graces of ideological good can be noted by his involvement in the Jack Abramoff Indian lobbying scandal. Today a number of Republican Congressmen, rightly so in my opinion, take other serious exceptions to the distasteful nature of Norquist’s political maneuverings.

Norquist’s Libertarian response to Republican concerns more closely mimicked Democrat demagoguing of self-interest than those of a respectable Conservative. Using the powerful influence and resources that, ironically, Conservatives bestowed on him, Norquist has threatened their Left media character-assassinations if he doesn’t get his way. Politics makes strange bedfellows.

In the 1990s Democrats and the Clinton-Gore administration saw the Muslim community as sources of funds and votes. They began an outreach program through which Islamic Jihadists saw easy entrée into various aspects of American government and, more importantly, into one political Party. What Jihadists probably didn’t expect was easy access to Conservatives through confidences that someone like Grover Norquist could afford them.

Relying on Norquist‘s Conservative clout the ATR “Wednesday meetings” became a means of introducing Conservatives and ‘trusted’ Islam Influence Operators to one another. Perhaps not surprisingly by 1998 Norquist had joined with Adbulrahman Alamoudi, an Islamic-adherent operative, to found the Islamic Institute (II) aka the Islamic Free Market Institute Foundation. In that same year Alamoudi was reported announcing:

“If we are outside this country, we can say, ‘Oh, Allah, destroy America.’”

Dare we ask, what were you thinking Grover? This appears symptomatic of Grover Norquist’s 1990’s about face.

Alamoudi was Clinton-Gore’s liaison, serving as their Goodwill Ambassador to the Muslim community. He’d also worked as an Advisor for the Clinton administration’s Middle East process and was subsequently delegated a variety of highly sensitive duties. One of those duties was placing Muslims – who‘d received little to no vetting – in positions within the U.S. military.

In 2000 Alamoudi spoke in Lafayette Square, Washington D.C., at an anti-Israel event sponsored by none other than Norquist’s ‘Islamic Institute’ front (among others) and announced amid cheers of the spirited crowd:

Hear that, Bill Clinton, we are ALL supporters of Hamas, Allahu Akbar! I wish they added that I am also a supporter of Hizballah.”

Maybe Grover Norquist and his co-founder Alamoudi support Hamas & Hizballah Jihadists, but I doubt Americans looking to ATR for tax relief do. I’m confident the Tea Party doesn’t. I know I don’t.

Alamoudi came to be imprisoned on terrorism charges, admitting he gave $1-million to the Muslim Brotherhood’s Al Qeada. Alamoudi is connected with and/or directly assisted in developing a variety of other Jihadist  Influence Operations in America, see ‘short list’ at the end of this article.

It’s a given and perhaps wrongly so that the American People understand just what a critically serious threat the Muslim Brotherhood is to America. Sometimes I wonder given the absence of outcries against Muslim Brotherhood’s highly irregular number of visits to our White House during this administration.

The Trojan Horse is unloading. This ‘unloading’ period does have an expiration date. What then, if we do not give this necessary attentions now?

Norquist’s cofounder buddy, Alamoudi, created a particularly effective Muslim Brotherhood organization in 1990: The American Muslim Council (AMC) headquartered in Chicago. All 911 terrorists were reported members of the AMC with one of its groups cited as “the violent Wahhabi branch of Islam.” AMC spins-off into a variety of affiliations as all Muslim organizations seem to do.

For every new Jihadist lead recruit they appear to create another organization to fund him; and the same for their lead recruits and so on. They’ve implanted Sharia-adherent law firms and bank and financing arms. The pot of money thus radical Sharia-adherent influence spawned by these groups keeps compounding itself and all of the money goes to the workings of more infiltrating Jihadists. One can only speculate how much money comes from one form or another of the billions of dollars in Taxpayer funded “foreign aid.”

Reportedly in 2001 Norquist’s Alamoudi co-founder participated with 400 other top Jihadists in an International Terrorists’ strategy session in Beruit. According to Fox News:

“This meeting brought together the world’s most extreme Islamic terrorist groups to set aside their differences and unite for Jihad and against Israel and the United States.”

This hasn’t scratched the surface of Norquist & Alamoudi’s radical Islam connections and handiwork. Any Conservative worth their salt is cautioned about connecting themselves – or their Tea Party – with Grover Norquist and his ATR.

The only way to kill a cancer is to starve it. Watch activities in your area and government’s foreign aid spending; contact your Congressmen with your voices; and be sure – wherever you’re donating – your money doesn’t go to the wrong place for what you only think are the right reasons.

This is a short list of Norquist’s associations through his Alamoudi co-founder. The last is Suhail Khan, a comprehensive background to be separtely addressed. Look them up and be willing to read past initial link displays of innocent nursery rhyme propaganda that this administration has spent the last four years rewriting. All of these are said to have direct affiliation with radical Islamic-adherent Jihadists aka the Muslim Brotherhood.

Abdulrahman Alamoudi

  • Grover Norquist’s Co-Founder of Islamic Institute (II)
  • Founded American Muslim Council (AMC).

Sami al-Arian

  • Member American Muslim Council (AMC).
  • Formed National Coalition to Protect Political Freedoms aka Defending Dissent Foundation
  • Board of Directors & Officer of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
  • Abolished ‘Secret Evidence’ that Government could use against Terrorists.
  • Connected to Jeff Abramoff & Jamal Al-Barzinji

Khaled Saffuri

  • Long time Palestinian friend & collaborator of Almoudi.
  • Executive Director & President of Almoudi’s Islamic Institute.
  • Founder & Executive Director of ‘Muslim Council’ front group.
  • American Task Force for Bosnia (top Jihadist recruiting vehicle)

Janus-Meritt Strategies

  • Grover Norquist Law Firm
  • Represented Alamoudi 2000-2001
  • Later declared it represented Jamal Al-Barzinji.

Jamal Al-Barzinki

  • President of Muslims Student Association
  • Founder of North America Islamic Trust (NAIT)
  • Past Leader of Islamic Society of North America
  • Vice President of International Institute of Islamic Thought
  • Major Contributor to Dar al-Hijraj Mosque in Virginia

Islamic Institute

  • American for Tax Reform (ATR), Grover Norquist
  • General Council for Islamic Banks & Financial Institutions

Alamoudi’s Military Endorsement Agent

  • Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)

Khaled Saffuri

  • First Executive Director of Islamic Institute (II)
  • President of Islamic Free Market Institute Foundation (FMIF)
  • Collaborated w/Almoudi on American Task Force for Bosnia

Islamic Free Market Institute Foundation

  • Held Series of Conferences beginning 2002
  • Institute Foundation International Islamic Finance Conference, Washington D.C.
  • General Council for Islamic Banks & Financial Institutions

Nihad Awad

  • Leader of Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP)
  • Executive Director of CAIR
  • Long Record of Service to Hamas
  • Muslim Community Leader under Saffuri/Alamoudi Team
  • Included on Muslim Brotherhood ‘Project’ Memorandum
  • Helped form Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)
  • FBI wiretapped for involvement with The Palestine Committee

The Palestine Committee

  • Established by International Muslim Brotherhood Resolution
  • Attributed to “The Islamic Resistance Movement” by Federal Court
  • Evidenced in The Holy Land Foundation Trial.

Holy Land Foundation Trial

  • Shut Down for Funding Hamas Terrorism
  • Prosecutors Named CAIR as an Unindicted Co-Conspirator
  • CAIR, ISNA & NAIT upheld in appeal as Hamas Affiliates

Muzammil Siddiqi

  • Radical Imam
  • President & Current Director of Islamic Society of North America
  • Chaired North America Islamic Trust
  • Executive Council of The Fiqh Council of North America, an
  • Affiliate of the ISNA
  • Selected to hols 911 Service in Washington D.C. on Septemebr 14th

Suhail Khan

  • Former Staffer for Rep. Tom Campbell of California
  • Most Accomplished of Muslim Brotherhood’s Current Young Recurits
  • Inside the Highest Reaches of Government
  • His Success is Attributed to 14-year Association with Grover Norquist
  • To Be Continued …

And the beat goes on … stay tuned.

For background information and revealing videos about this issue go to my last article: Know Your Enemy & You Probably Don’t.

Credit for making sense of and for the bulk of information in this article goes to Frank Gaffney & Center for Security Policy.


Suzanne Webb

Christian American Patriot, Opinion Commentator. Retired from public and private sector business administration. Unless otherwise attributed all content is opinion.

Published by
Suzanne Webb

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