Well, here we go again with the “common sense” gun control laws. Republican Senators are about to do their normal
Yesterday I wrote about the lie that is the” Sequester”. The issue of gun control is being handled in the very same manner. First, Diane Feinstein wasn’t happy with the results of the “testimony” before the “investigative panel” so she has decided to convene her own panel and call her own “witnesses” to “find a resolution to gun violence”. Of course, that packed court resolution stops at We the People not having any way to protect ourselves from criminals, or a tyrannical government.
This pattern of indoctrination follows the same path as every other power grab by politicians in both political parties. The Democrats demand total disarmament. The Republicans put on their white hats, jump on their wh
This is nothing more than a conspiracy to disarm We the People before they swoop in like Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot, Hugo Chavez, Barack Obama, and every other despot the world has known, to turn our Republic into a dictatorship with FEMA indoctrination/work/death camps in our future. Nothing about any proposed “compromise” will line up with our founding document, or the will of the American people.
The worst of it is that Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Ok) is part of the gang, along with Chuck Schumer. The quote in the article in which Schumer says “both sides are talking in good faith” would be funny if it wasn’t so ludicrous and dangerous. That man wouldn’t know
This cannot be allowed to happen. We the People MUST stand up now. There is no fallback position for us. There is nothing behind us but the ditch for our lifeless bodies to collapse into when they finish us off with a shot to the back of the head because we refused to acquiesc
Our Constitution guarantees us the God given right to defend ourselves. Registration has led to confiscation every time it has been done. Do you think this time will be different? It won’t!!!! The problem with this, like any other gun control legislation, is the people doing it. Those desiring to take away our means of protection from evil are the very evil we oppose. Evil can only prosper when there is no
There are things we can still do. GOD: First and foremost we need to get on our knees and beg God for forgiveness, mercy, guidance, and courage. GUTS: Secondly, we must use the guidance, and courage God gives us to stand up and make ourselves heard and obeyed, TODAY!!! It won’t be easy as politicians and their NWO globalist handlers have almost completed their tyrannical plan of enslavement. They see themselves on the verge of their “utopia”. We need to burn up their phone, fax, and e-mails letting them know where we stand and that we will stand behind the pledge “I WILL NOT COMPLY!!!!”.
Many county sheriffs are standing strong and have formed an organization to unite with We the People to fight this federal abuse of power. Please find your state and county, and sign up to help and stay informed. Right now is the time to show courage rather than despair. Let your “representatives” in Washington know where you stand. Make sure they hear and understand you loud and clear.
GUNS: Our last resort is our guns, hence the hurry to remove them from our possession. If we surrender our firearms, or allow registration that will lead to confiscation, there will be no chance to recover the nation given to us by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, Nathan Hale, and the countless patriots who gave life
Like firearms, liberty once taken will not be given back. It took 70 years for the peasants of Eastern Europe to throw off the shackles of Soviet oppression and that was only accomplished because Ronald Reagan built the United States of America into a nation that could and would stand with those behind the “Iron Curtain”. When we are the ones behind the “Iron Curtain” of Soviet style government who will be there to help us win our liberty back?
God, Guts, a
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
February 25, 2013
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