Unless you have been living under a rock or in a cave somewhere you have heard all about the I.R.S. scandals. The Internal Revenue Service, or should it be renamed the Internal Rectal Service has been intentionally performing financial colonoscopies on Conservatives from all walks of life for the past few years.
The so called “neutral” and “nonpartisan” I.R.S. has been poking, prodding, and picking on Conservatives and Conservative leaning groups and organizations by stonewalling, delaying, and outright denying their applications for funding and tax exempt statuses.
They have targeted Tea Party Groups as well as Conservative think tanks and even some Conservative Candidates running for elected office. They have targeted Conservative Jewish organizations opposed to the Obama Administration’s hostile positions in regard to Israel, and even targeted private citizens whose businesses or private tax returns mentioned the words, “Patriots” “Tea Party” or “Constitution”.
In stark contrast, leftist groups and liberal organizations had their applications moved right to the front of the line. Some Conservative groups had to wait as much as three years to get their applications approved; yet some liberal groups only had to wait as little as three weeks.
Like he has done in the past whenever there is a hot scandal, the President has taken the position of “ignorance is bliss” when it comes to the I.R.S. scandal. He claims he knew nothing about it. He claims he is outraged about it. He claims he just heard about it on television like all you other folks. The liar in chief not only knew about the scandal but he probably watched over it like he watched four Americans die a brutal death in Benghazi.
Here are two recent developments that show that the President had at least partial knowledge of the I.R.S. scandal:
According to the Daily Caller, The Director of the I.R.S. Exempt Organizations Division Lois Lerner who has subsequently been put on administrative leave signed paperwork granting Malik Obama’s shady charity tax exempt status in less than thirty days. This should not come as a shock because Mrs. Lerner’s husband Michael Miles works as a tax attorney for Sutherland, Asbill, and Brennan. The firm actually hosted voter registration drives for the Obama Reelection Campaign; however somehow our Campaigner in Chief knew nothing about the scandal?
Here is more proof Barack Obama knew about the I.R.S. targeting Conservatives:
According to the Whitehouse.gov visiter logs, former I.R.S. Commissioner Douglas Shulman visited the White House a staggering 157 times, including 118 visits during the period in which the I.R.S. was targeting Conservatives. Mr. Shulman visited the White House more times than any other cabinet member, including corrupt Attorney General Eric Holder (62), tax cheat and current Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner (48), and head of the Department of Homeland Security Janet “Big Sis” Napolitano (34).
In contrast, Mr. Shulman’s predecessor Mark Everson only visited the George W. Bush White House one time in four years. So how is it even possible that Barack Obama did not know anything about the targeting scandal? Answer: there is no way he didn’t know. In fact, I predict it will come out sooner rather than later that not only did he know about it but what is more important is he may have likely directed it.
So what are we Conservatives to do? Are we supposed to just sit back and take it? Should we crawl up into the fetal position and ask for seconds? Should we be intimidated by the I.R.S.?
It has been reported that as many as 25 separate Tea Party affiliated groups have filed a lawsuit against the I.R.S. That is a great start, but it is not enough. It is estimated that hundreds if not thousands of individuals have been targeted. Famous Conservatives like Franklin Graham and even some Conservative Journalists have been audited.
My suggestion is that we file a class action lawsuit against the I.R.S. I am not an attorney but I would think that the monetary damages incurred by Conservatives would warrant such a case. Think about the loss of funding, the expense of the applications, the time and manpower dedication. Then think about how much money Conservatives had to pay to tax accountants, financial advisors, and estate planners? If we filed a large enough lawsuit the I.R.S. might realize it is cheaper to settle than to go to court?
My job as a political strategist and radio talk show host is to think outside the box and come up with answers if not solutions. Again I am not an attorney so I do not claim to know the logistics of how the litigation process may work. What I do know is it is my duty to put it out there so maybe the right person can smooth out the rough edges and put my plan into action. A good idea can only become a great idea when it is acted upon.
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