Now, a collection of activists has requested that the United Nations aid Detroit citizens who are being left without access to water.
While access to the necessities of life are certainly a basic human right, getting them without work, effort, payment or any measure of .. well .. anything .. is NOT!
Many of the residents are actually choosing not to pay their bills as Detroit Water Department Spokesperson Curtrise Garner said, “once we shut water off, the next day they are in paying the bill in full.” That’s strange, they aren’t destitute, they just were using the money for other things until someone threatened to take away the water.
People can work for food, have the right to purchase food or raise food for themselves. There is no inherent human right that says that free food must fall from the sky, appear at the door or be shat from magical ducks. Freedom allows one to pursue food, water, clothing, housing, medical care, cable TV, wi-fi or just about anything else. It does not give a guarantee that they will get any of those things. Nothing can do that.
This is the odd argument of the left – all humans need things and therefor should have them – regardless of effort or sacrifice. It is the foundation of “from each according to ability to each according to need.” An ideal proven failed over, and over, and over, and over. If it worked, more able citizens would have stayed in Detroit to provide for the needy ones. Instead more needy appeared from every corner while the able fled for areas less destitute.
When those unwilling to sacrifice or put forth effort are afforded the necessities of life anyway – why should they expend their limited resources on the necessities of life? I mean, seriously, if housing is free, spend your government check on an iPhone. If food is paid for, spend more of your resources on things like a new video game, a flat screen TV or a trip to the coast. Now.. if water is also free, just imagine what else someone could spend their money on.
Consider if your house was paid for, food provided and cell/internet included? That’s a lot of money not going to pay for services that you are consuming – free lunch! Except… someone must be paying for them…
The problem in Detroit is that after the progressives ran the city into the ground on Utopian promises, tremendous over-spending and crony politics, all the people with real resources left. Now, as Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once put it, they have “run out of other people’s money.”
So we have the intersection of Socialism’s failures with Socialism’s promises. When Socialism is in trouble, who do you turn to? Obama isn’t getting much of anything done and at this point doesn’t seem to care. Harry Reid is too busy catering to his cronies and the right is bickering over amnesty.. or something.
Bring in the United Nations .. to the United States… to straighten things out.
Which city or state will request U.N. help next? California, Cumberland, MD, Harlingen, TX?
The real question is what the heck happens once the U.N. is given authority to act on American citizens?
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