I just read a report at the DC Statesman ( liberal-bernie-sanders-supporter-responsible-for-shooting-pro-life-congressman-steve-scalise/ that says the leftist nut who shot Rep. Steve Scalise and 4 others is dead. I am glad we won’t be supporting that evil scumbag in style for years. The assassin, James T. Hodgkinson, is a supporter of Bernie Sanders, a staunch socialist/communist who wants to see liberty become a thing of the past. The report also stated that leftists are already cheering
Scalise is a patriot, not an establishment gop puppet, and I admire him greatly for standing against the
Those calling President Trump a Fascist are showing their ignorance of Fascism. President Trump is a free market capitalist, as were our founders, and the leftists hate the concept of freedom. For any readers who are just as ignorant of the tenets of Fascism I will enlighten you. Communism is government ownership of everything, no private property allowed, while Fascism is government control of all private property. Hitler allowed the business people to keep their companies but only under very strict control of himself and his minions in the Nazi Party. I remember the uproar Gen. George Patton caused near the end of WWII when he told reporters that people joined the Nazi Party much the same way as Americans join the Democrat and Republican parties, they had to make a choice, even when both choices were evil. They could either join the Communist Party or the Nazi Party. The movie “Patton” showed how the media and the politicians of the day reacted, the politicians wanted Patton strung up for his statement but I see him as spot on and things have only gotten worse since then. Democrats openly support islam, abortion on demand, and homosexuality, and republicans pay lip service opposition but do nothing to back up their feeble vocal “opposition” while doing everything they can to deceive citizens into believing that they are a viable option to the Democrats.
Liberals try to say that islam is a “religion of peace” that has been hijacked by radicals but islam is just islam, not radical or moderate. They teach nothing but hatred, torture, and murder to attain their goal of worldwide satanic rule. Christianity, on the other hand, teaches love and compassion for others, even those seen as enemies. Moslems murdr homosexuals and are excused whereas Christians pray for them and try to lead them out of destruction but who do homosexuals demean and who do they support? I call homosexuality a sin, as does the Holy Bible, and call on them to repent. They call me “homophobic”, “intolerant”,” bigot”, and “hateful” while saying nothing about moslems who will kill them for entertainment. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder!!!!!
True conservatives like Steve Scalise are such a rarity in the gop today and they want people like him out of the way so they can disarm the people and install their totalitarian regime. Like Scalise, I will never bow to the agenda of the left, a group so ethically and morally bankrupt that there is little hope for their redemption because they reject everything that redemption requires. I wrote an article a while back asking Christians to pray that the moslems obama was bringing here would find Jesus while here and find their redemption in turning away from the satanic cult called islam and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I still have that hope and have the same hope for democrats, and the majority of republicans who are lost. I pray that the Holy Spirit can reach them before it is too late but they are so lost and arrogant that I don’t have much confidence that they will heed the call when it comes, if they can even discern it. In the mean time I will continue to raise the alarm and pray for the nation in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, the only hope for our nation and formankind.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
June 18, 2017
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