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Angus King Confirms Trump-Russia Witch Hunt Will Drag on Into 2018 Elections

The greatest thing that the Democrats have going for them is a pack of unstable fanatics as their base who have come to believe that the Russians have infiltrated the United States government.

While the enthusiasm to impeach President Trump for treason sometimes spills over into violence like when Bernie Bro James T. Hodgkinson tried to murder dozens of GOP members of Congress last week, it’s a small price to pay to keep the troops jacked up on Russiaphobia.

After all, the great Trump-Kremlin conspiracy is all that the Democrats have to run on in next year’s midterm elections.

This has just more or less been confirmed by Maine moonbat Senator Angus King, a faux independent who is as thick as thieves with the Democrats.

Senator King has seen his profile rising this week after he grilled Attorney General Jeff Sessions in Tuesday’s Senate Intelligence Committee inquisition over his alleged sinister secret meetings with Russian officials.

The mustachioed septuagenarian – who is conveniently up for reelection next year – went on NBC’s Press the Meat “Meet the Press” this morning and admitted that there is a long way to go on the Russian witch hunt.

According to Politico “Angus King suggests Russia probes just ’20 percent’ done”:

Sen. Angus King estimates investigators are only 20 percent into their probes of Russian meddling in last year’s presidential campaign and any possible ties with President Donald Trump and his associates.

In an interview Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” King appeared certain in his assessment that as new information is uncovered, the investigation could drag on for months.

“I can say categorically that the collusion, the cooperation aspect of the investigation is not over. And as far as that goes, I‘d say we’re 20 percent into it,” the independent senator from Maine said.

Oh how truly convenient that there is 80 percent more to go which will last until next November.

This is especially the case for a charlatan like King who will benefit personally from keeping a cloud of suspicion over Trump’s head because God forbid that the Dems would have to address REAL issues that Americans actually give a damn about instead of sleazy innuendo and conspiracy theories.

Chalk this fool up as just another con artist whose shamelessness at suckling off of the public dole knows no limits.

Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

Published by
Donn Marten

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