Inquisitive Americans had to be scratching their heads over how late-night liberal talk show host Jimmy Kimmel became the leading national voice to protect Obamacare from being repealed.
Wonder no more, the Tinseltown twit was getting his talking points directly from the Democratic party leadership, in particular, Chuck Schumer (D-Wall St.) whose communications team was providing Kimmel with propaganda and media support.
Shocking? Why should it be? The California late-night loudmouths have been leading the crusade to reverse the results of last year’s election in order to topple President Trump and install Hillary Clinton as POTUS as if the United States of America were some commie banana republic.
According to a report from The Daily Beast – where Chelsea Clinton sits on the board of the company that owns it – Kimmel was seen as the proverbial point of the spear to defend Obamacare, largely due to the cynical bastard’s willingness to exploit his own child to create an emotional gimmick to suck in those who are incapable of critical thinking.
Via the Beast “Jimmy Kimmel Got a Hand From Chuck Schumer in His Fight Against Obamacare Repeal”:
Over the past week, opposition to the latest Republican effort to repeal and replace Obamacare has been driven by a late-night talk show host who had expressed little interest in health care policy prior to this year.
Jimmy Kimmel’s nightly monologues decrying Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Bill Cassidy’s (R-LA) bill became must-see TV, as the ABC host systematically attacked both the specifics of the legislation and Cassidy himself.
Behind the scenes, the ABC star was getting an assist. Kimmel and his team were in touch with health care officials, charities and advocacy groups, multiple sources told The Daily Beast. He also was in touch with the office of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y) who, according to a source familiar with their conversations, “provided technical guidance and info about the bill, as well as stats from various think tanks and experts on the effects of [Graham-Cassidy].”
The three episodes in which Kimmel tore apart both Cassidy—who had previously insisted that any health care bill pass a so-called “Jimmy Kimmel test”—and the bill’s specifics helped galvanize public and political opposition to the legislation. On Friday, that legislation appeared to have effectively died, at least for now, after Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) announced that he would not back the measure without fuller hearings and amendments. Kimmel quickly took to Twitter to personally thank McCain for potentially tanking the legislation.
It worked to perfection.
John McCain was able to use the cover of Kimmel-Schumer’s sleazy propaganda as cover to once again stick it to Trump – and millions of Americans who will be looted to save this obscene program – to become a national hero again today for killing any repeal of the Affordable Care Act.
Kimmel practically got down on his knees and prayed to McCain like he was some sort of pagan god as did Schumer:
While the left has come to embrace the Nazi regime as a foil for Trump and a cover for their own fascism, Joseph Goebbels himself would have been proud of this stunt.
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