
Next Nunes Memo May Show Brennan Perjured Himself

The next memo coming from Devin Nunes regarding the fraudulent Trump dossier may show that former CIA Director John Brennan lied under oath.

According to Paul Sperry of RealClearInvestigations, Nunes’ next memo will outline the role “former CIA Director John Brennan and other Obama intelligence officials played in promoting the salacious and unverified Steele dossier on Donald Trump — including whether Brennan perjured himself in public testimony about it.”

Sperry notes that in testimony delivered before the House Intelligence Committee in 2017, Brennan denied that “the dossier factored into the intelligence community’s publicly released conclusion last year that Russia meddled in the 2016 election ‘to help Trump’s chances of victory.’”

He likewise claimed to not have been aware that the dossier had been commissioned by Democrats.

However, Nunes’ first memo suggests otherwise. Released last month, the first memo states that the dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele and the research firm Fusion GPS at the behest of Democrats was knowingly used by the Obama administration to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court warrant against Trump’s foreign policy adviser, Carter Page.

According to an aide to Nunes, the House Intelligence Committee chairman’s next memo will be even more damning.

“John Brennan did more than anyone to promulgate the dirty dossier,” the aide reportedly said to Sperry. “He politicized and effectively weaponized what was false intelligence against Trump.”

Capitol Hill sources have reportedly confirmed that Brennan had indeed “talked up the dossier to Democratic leaders, as well as the press, during the campaign.”

“They say he also fed allegations about Trump-Russia contacts directly to the FBI, while pressuring the bureau to conduct an investigation of several Trump campaign figures starting in the summer of 2016,” Sperry’s report states.

Rep. Devin Nunes said Thursday on Hugh Hewitt’s show that he also was thinking very seriously of doing something that had never been done before: Asking the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to testify in front of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

“The chief justice appoints the FISA judges,” Hewitt noted. “Have you had a chance to chat with him or any of the FISA judges about what went on at the FISA court with regard to the Page application?”

“This is something that we’ve been grappling with all through this investigation,” Nunes said. “We decided that we wanted to complete the FISA abuse portion before we approached the courts. Our next step with the courts is to make them aware, if they’re not aware already, so we will be sending a letter to the court.”

It’s clear that Nunes could not compel Roberts to appear and there’s little chance the chief justice would respond to an open invitation. Even if he did, it’s likely that he would not have much to add of any worth. While he is in charge of appointing the judges, he is not their ongoing supervisor. Certainly, he would not comment on their decision to authorize a warrant in this or any other instance.

Still, this is interesting simply because it shows you how determined Nunes and the House Committee is when it comes to tracking down all possible leads.  Unprecedented: Nunes Could Bring Chief Justice to House to Testify

We all knew that the real Russian collusion was between the DOJ, the FBI, the Obama administration, the DNC, Hillary campaign, and the communist mainstream media. And what we all knew has now been confirmed in the memos. We also knew from the text between Strzok and Page that they conspired to take out a presidential candidate and then the president of the United States when they were talking about they needed insurance and they were giddy about the opportunity to impeach Trump after he learned about the opportunity to proceed with a fabricated Russia collusion hit piece

Seems like the top officials in the intelligence community– the CIA and FBI — were all-out complicit conspiring to defeat then-candidate Donald Trump in favor of Hillary  Clinton. Seems also that the MSM  had such knowledge that the polls at the time showed Hillary would win the election at over 90% of the voting public. Seems also that the insiders in the intelligence community were jubilant of the polls and thought of keeping their jobs under a Hillary administration. To their dismay, their expectations were reversed — Donald Trump won the presidency. Unable to accept their shattered dreams, they continuously try to create discord under the successful Trump administration. Hopefully, justice will come to those who will be found guilty of deceit, dishonesty, and lies to the full extent of the law.

When in the hell are we going to charge people and arrest them? We keep hearing all this news about folks lying but Mueller charged Flynn and our Congress no one. Seems like we all have seen interference in our election by DOJ, FBI, CIA, etc. etc. not Russia, but no charges. I hate to say it but I feel when this is all over no one will be charged other than Republicans. Just like today, the Democrats ask FBI Director Wray if it was true he did not want the Republican memo made public because of classified information. We are spending a lot of money on investigations to find out what we all already know. And nothing happens. So how is it that those guys still have a job at the FBI and what is Jeff Sessions going to do? Have you heard anything about Jeff Sessions putting any of this forward? Paging Jeff Sessions.

If a democrat got in office and this was a Republican doing all these things we would see pictures of them being perp-walked already.

If Hillary won we would not know all this corruption going on. She should have en in jail a long time ago with all her crimes and Russian collusion we are lucky Trump won!!!  Unfortunately, No one will be arrested or do any prison time If you are a RINO or have a “D” after your “title”, you are safe here. Nothing will ever happen. Democrats seem to be “above the Law” or so it seems these days.

There is a clamoring out there for somebody to do something about what is obviously a whole lot of people skirting the law and using the power of the FBI to undermine political opponents. Our “high-ups” have become so corrupted by Obama’s anti-America agenda that something has to be done to stop and reverse it or we will all lose the freedom that we hold so dear for the hatred and racism that he instigated are destroying our nation.  Nunes is the only hope we have since sessions is nowhere to be found.

Jim Clayton

I am a retired former newspaper reporter and retail sales person. I'm a politically conservative easy going person from New Jersey. I am married to a wonderful wife and like talking and writing about movies,, concerts I attend and current events all which I write about here. I would enjoy hearing from anyone on my articles and they can write to me here.

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Jim Clayton

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