The White House released a statement Tuesday morning touting the administration’s infrastructure agenda.
“As recently highlighted in The Washington Times, Cabinet Secretaries, Members of Congress, and State officials all agree that now is the time to rebuild and reinvest in our Nations infrastructure. “
SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION ELAINE CHAO: Its Time to Invest in Our Country’s Future
The [Department of Transportation (DOT)] is already making progress in reducing the red tape that is holding back so much of our country’s infrastructure. It is vigorously implementing the presidents One Federal Decision initiative that was announced last August. DOT is working together with other cabinet departments on a new process to handle the permitting of complicated, multi-agency projects within the presidents new, expedited timeline. This means less paperwork, and more timely improvements that will better protect the environment and improve our quality of life.
SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR RYAN ZINKE: Making a Historic Investment in Public Lands Infrastructure
Unfortunately, our roads, bridges and tunnels have been neglected due to years of inaction. Our public lands have suffered a similar fate. As secretary of the Interior and chief steward of our public lands, I inherited a maintenance backlog of more than $11 billion in our national parks alone. Rebuilding our parks, wildlife refuges and [Bureau of Indian Education (BIE)] schools is not a Republican or Democrat issue its an American issue. Having served in Congress, I know there are lawmakers from both sides of the aisle who share President Trump’s vision.
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) ADMINISTRATOR SCOTT PRUITT: Infrastructure Projects to Advance Swiftly and Safely Under New EPA Permitting Rules
President Trump recently unveiled his plan to rebuild and revitalize our nations crumbling infrastructure. The presidents ambitious proposal calls for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to play a leading role in the administrations efforts. Through important permitting reforms and localized investments and incentives, EPA would be an integral part of initiating new projects and accelerating current endeavors to completion.
GOV. PETE RICKETTS (R-NE): 5 Principles for Infrastructure Success
Over the past year, the Trump administration has listened to states while developing policy proposals. President Trumps focus on addressing the countrys infrastructure needs will help move us forward. While decisions about investment will ultimately be made in Washington, the impacts will be experienced in the states. As Congress works with the president, I urge them to adopt his approach and to ensure that the voices of states are heard.
President Trump and Republicans in Congress agree that we need a robust, fiscally responsible infrastructure plan that works for all of America. Last month, the president released his priorities. His plan includes making a serious investment in the nations infrastructure. It also streamlines burdensome permitting requirements and makes sure Washington is working as a partner with local governments.
SEN. JIM INHOFE (R-OK): To Unleash American Building, Cut the Red Tape
The private sector is ready and eager to invest in many of these critical projects but has been hesitant to jump most notably because our flawed and convoluted permitting process means their investment may take years and years to get off the ground. President Trumps infrastructure proposal recognizes this problem and prioritizes responsible permitting reform, an important tool in unlocking the economic potential of a major infrastructure package.
SEN. DAN SULLIVAN (R-AK): Fixing U.S. Infrastructure Requires End of Permitting Purgatory
We can do much better for our citizens, and I believe that the Trump administrations focus on infrastructure presents our nation with significant bipartisan opportunities. However, a key to the success of any infrastructure package must involve a desperately needed reform of our countrys broken public-works and environmental approval process. [F]or too long, the regulatory and permitting process has been abused by radical groups and even by federal agencies to obstruct and delay critically needed projects.
CHAIRMAN OF THE HOUSE TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE BILL SHUSTER (R-PA): Infrastructure is Not a Republican or Democratic Issue Its an American Issue
Now that the President has released his principles on infrastructure, it is up to him, as a builder who understands the role of infrastructure in our economy, to continue to lead on this issue and make it clear to the American people why such investments are so important. Our work on this critical legislation is already underway, guided by three core principles: An infrastructure plan must be bipartisan, it must be fiscally responsible and it must be forward leaning.
CHAIRMAN OF THE HOUSE ENERGY AND COMMERCE COMMITTEE GREG WALDEN (R-OR): Energy Infrastructure: Ensuring Reliability, Resiliency
Knowing that the President cares deeply about this issue and the opportunity for bipartisan progress, improving our nations infrastructure has been a focal point of the Energy and Commerce Committees work since the beginning of the 115th Congress. To date, the Energy and Commerce Committee has held 48 infrastructure-related hearings, and weve had 24 energy infrastructure bills pass the House of Representatives addressing pipeline and electric transmission lines infrastructure, hydropower licensing, Brownfields, air quality standards, and energy efficiency. While weve accomplished a great deal thus far, our efforts are far from over.
CHAIRMAN OF THE HOUSE NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE ROB BISHOP (R-UT): A Lesson in Bipartisanship: Starting Small on Infrastructure to Go Big
To address this deteriorating infrastructure, a bipartisan consensus has emerged in the House, Senate and Trump administration. Swift action is essential before Americans access to and enjoyment of our national parks is further damaged. With a unified call for a robust, stable and politically viable funding mechanism to address the challenge, the political will is there.
REP. MARSHA BLACKBURN (R-TN): Putting Rural Americans First
On the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, weve made great strides to close the digital divide and increase the expansion of broadband nationwide. The Communications and Technology Subcommittee, which I chair, has been working hard on a large broadband infrastructure package. It is essential that we continue to find ways to increase access to broadband.
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