I tried to explain to you in a previous article the seven tenants of a Color Revolution: https://conservativedailynews.com/2020/09/what-is-a-color-revolution/ (2) https://www.theburningplatform.com/2020/09/14/americas-color-revolution/ (3) https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/color-revolution-biden-team-is-following-carefully-scripted-coup-intended-to-take-down-america
I tried to warn you that your kids were being turned into Marxists and being brainwashed: (1). https://conservativedailynews.com/2020/07/why-are-your-kids-militant-radicals/ (2). https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/08/16/im-a-former-teacher-heres-how-your-children-are-getting-indoctrinated-by-leftist-ideology/ (3). https://conservativedailynews.com/2020/08/the-reeducation-of-educators-part-2-indoctrinating-students-through-social-justice/
I tried to provide you with information and facts which support the reality that the rioting, looting, and destruction of our history is not about race or George Floyd. (1) https://thefederalist.com/2020/06/01/comparing-floyd-riots-to-boston-tea-party-insults-actual-patriots/ (2) https://thefederalist.com/2020/09/11/the-left-is-setting-the-stage-for-a-coup-if-trump-wins/ (3) https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jun/23/democrats-open-door-to-marxist-totalitarian-rule-t/
And I tried to show you proof that the virus is a ploy to promote a Marxist agenda and then move forward with voter fraud and control over the masses: https://conservativedailynews.com/2020/08/we-were-warned-now-what/ But more importantly I tried to get you to do some research on your own, while you still have the ability to do so. I tried to help you see things with eyes wide open, based on your own research which would help you to actually see the truth that is being kept from you. I had hoped you would see how you are being manipulated and lied to and then perhaps you would see the consequences of those lies and as a result demand justice. I had hoped that somehow you would realize the Democratic Party has gone so far left, they are racists, creating division and they don’t care about America. They don’t care about you. https://conservativedailynews.com/2020/08/the-democratic-party-racists-from-the-beginning/
Now, If you continue to listen to mainstream media along with far-left Democrats who are lying to you, then you will continue to be brainwashed and you will lose more and more freedom. The freedom and the country you love will become unrecognizable. Ultimately, in the end, it will be your fault and your kids and your grandkids will never know freedom because you sat back and did nothing. You refused to question the motives behind all these actions that have been going on for decades but were expedited with the virus.
The evidence of voter fraud is growing exponentially. Look to Project Veritas (1). https://noqreport.com/2020/12/03/bombshell-video-evidence-of-clear-voter-fraud-presented-in-georgia-for-the-first-time/ (2). https://www.projectveritas.com/news/insider-blows-whistle-exec-reveals-google-plan-to-prevent-trump-situation-in-2020-on-hidden-cam/ there is much, much more evidence. Watch One America News or NewsMax for real, unbiased news. Integrity in journalism is not existent in mainstream media; let that sink in.
Many of you see it, many of you do not. The democrats, local, and national news media along with tech giants are doing everything humanly possible to keep the truth from coming out. Now would be a good time to ask yourself, “why” and then find the answers. The reality is they are responsible for the biggest hoax on Americans, in the history of this country, and only with your help will they get away with it. (1) https://thefederalist.com/2020/06/03/the-media-are-lying-to-you-about-everything-including-the-riots/ (2)
The only way to learn the truth is to question things, don’t accept the information you are being spoon-fed as being factual. Be analytical and demand answers to questions. If you are not getting or seeing all the information and evidence of voter fraud that is readily available you are being complacent, you are being lied to, but most importantly you are not doing your due diligence and you then become part of the problem. This is not just about the election, it’s about all elections. This is not just about the First Amendment it is about amendments; it is about the entire constitution and how it is being dismantled right before your eyes while you sat in silence. This is not about George Floyd it is about Marxist groups: Antifa and Black Lives Matter. This is not about racism or ‘white privilege’ it is about the division that has been created by people who hate all we stand for, all we believe, and everything we live for. https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/cop-bashing-activists-fuming-over-police-training-guide-that-refers-to-antifa-blm-as-terrorist-organizations/
This is not about a horrible country like they want you to believe, this is about a great country, with great people who care and have compassion for others. We are not racists, we are not people who can be controlled by lies, we are in fact freedom-loving patriots – find your inner patriot and stand firm in what you know and what you love. Do your homework now before it’s to late. Are we a free country or not?
Last: https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/miley-cyrus-sister-uses-blatantly-racist-term-against-black-conservative-candace-owens-wheres-the-media/
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