chain migration

White House rejects DACA-for-wall funding bill that excludes key immigration fixes

The White House rejected Wednesday a bi-partisan immigration reform bill that, while it extends DACA and includes some border wall…

7 years ago

White House releases graphic showing impacts of chain migration

The White House released a statement and infographic that highlight the impact that chain migration has on the country. "Under…

7 years ago

Watch: Trump demands wall, end of chain migration and visa lottery for DACA deal

President Donald Trump on Thursday said that any deal to help DREAMers would have to include money for the way,…

7 years ago

Watch: Trump talks defense and immigration reform in weekly address 12/16/17

President Donald Trump delivered his weekly presidential address during which he spoke of the National Defense Authorization Act and then…

7 years ago

Chain migration is a larger problem than previously thought

The White House released figures for "chain migration" broken down by country of origin for the first time ever. The…

7 years ago