Conservative Philosophy

Keeping the Faith

It’s over! At least, that’s what the liberal pundits are saying 24/7. Romney is lagging behind in key states and…

12 years ago

Obama Embraces Keeping Blacks Stuck on the Democrat Plantation

Hate, fear and smear!! “Shame on you Barack Obama!!” - Feb 23, 2008 This is the legacy of the Democrat…

12 years ago

Romney is right about the 47%

The Ed Morrissey Show,with’s Andrew Malcolm, had a discussion about media bias on their September 18 broadcast – which…

12 years ago

U.S. Drops to 18th in Economic Freedom

If you’re a Canadian, you should be happy.  Our friendly neighbors to the north are riding high with their recent…

12 years ago

CNN Anchor Tells Citizens United President David Bossie You Can’t Judge OWS By ‘Worst Members’

With Occupy Unmasked being released today in select theaters, the September 21 edition of CNN’s Early Start with Zoraida Sambolin…

12 years ago

Taxation Without Participation

Michael Kinsley described a “gaffe” as anytime a politician is caught telling the truth. This is particularly accurate for Republicans…

12 years ago

My Response To Obama’s #ForAll Photos

. The Obama campaign has had 'prominent' Democrats tweet photos of themselves with words written on the back of their…

12 years ago

Free Market Revolution

Amid the ire directed towards our government, our biggest corporate entities and each other, there are calls from all sides…

12 years ago

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Lately, the phrase “Chose your neighbors wisely.” has become increasingly important.  For years, the significance as to what the government…

12 years ago

American Embassy in Cairo statement defends the wrong ideals

On September 11th, the American Embassy to Egypt in Cairo released a statement objecting to content that might hurt the…

12 years ago

Political Suicide: Democrats Outshine Republicans Again

You know, I thought the rules change vote debacle at the Republican Party convention in Tampa, Florida could not be…

12 years ago

Why The GOP Shouldn’t Ignore Libertarians

“If you analyze it I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism” - Ronald Reagan to Reason…

12 years ago

The Sole Moral Imperative And The Inherent Amorality of Collectivist Moral Philosophy

“Be fruitful and multiply.” That is God’s imperative to those creations that it made in its image. It is the…

12 years ago

Social Security: Issuing Checks & Hollow–Points

Some of the more excitable members of the conservative Internet commentariat sounded battle stations when they learned the Social Security…

12 years ago

Republican Tyranny in Tampa: What Happened and Why?

Republican Tyranny in Tampa: What Happened and Why?  I just read on one of the social network sites I belong…

12 years ago