free speech

America In The Age Of Stupidity: The Dishonesty Of YouTube

All these social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are supposed to be free speech platforms where people can…

1 year ago

Big Tech mourns the sale of Twitter to Elon Musk- Will Musk be able to put Twitter back together again? 

 BigTech mourns the sale of Tweeter to Elon Musk..  Will Musk be able to put Twitter back together again?  Not…

3 years ago

Facebook ‘Hate Speech’ Algorithm Found 90% of Hate Speech Directed at White People

Last week, the Washington Post reported that an April 2020 examination of Facebook’s anti-racism algorithm found that roughly 90 percent…

3 years ago

Facebook, Their Bully Narrative, and COVID-19

LISTEN TO THE PODCAST “Facebook announced Thursday that it will start warning users if they have liked, reacted or commented…

5 years ago

Trump Administration Files Statement of Interest Supporting Campus Free Speech

The Justice Department today filed a Statement of Interest in a federal lawsuit in Mississippi, explaining that public colleges cannot…

5 years ago

College Conservatives Battle with the Suppression of Free Speech: 5 Outrageous Censorship Incidents

In a time when censorship is all the rage, one organization is doing its part to attempt to combat censorship…

6 years ago

“Censory” Overload: You Criticize CAIR or Sharia, You May Be Censored

Top social media platforms, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have amped up their censoring policies and continue to ban people they…

6 years ago

Jewish Conservative, Laura Loomer, Suing CAIR and Twitter

A new disturbing censorship trend is emerging through social media and other large platforms’ banning of conservative users. Conservative activist…

6 years ago

Tucker: The left uses tragedy to control free speech

While President Trump and most Americans quickly condemned the act of hate that was the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, the media…

6 years ago

Former ACLU President: Obama Was ‘Terrible President’ On Free Speech Issues

  by Rob Shimshock A former American Civil Liberties Union president suggested former President Barack Obama was a “terrible president”…

7 years ago

How to Terminate Ideological Tenured Professors

By now everyone who is up to speed on current events knows that Randa Jarrar, a “professor” at California State…

7 years ago

At A Campus Near You

Ann Coulter will not speak at UC Berkeley. AntiFa (The Left) has again been successful in silencing the conservative voice.…

8 years ago

Coulter: U.C. Berkeley canceled my speech and conservative groups ‘joined the other team’

Conservative firebrand Ann Coulter has announced the cancellation of her controversial appearance at U.C. Berkeley. "There will be no speech,"…

8 years ago

Milo and Coulter take free speech fight to Berkeley

Milo Yiannopoulos and Ann Coulter are planning separate efforts to take free speech to U.C. Berkeley students and faculty whether…

8 years ago

The Fake Controversy Over Fake News

Like so many other things in today’s culture, the controversy over “fake news” is a didactic battle between two camps…

8 years ago