Lev Parnas

In Secret Trump Recording, Lev Parnas Spoke Little, But Said A Lot

A lawyer for Lev Parnas on Saturday released an 84-minute audio recording of a private dinner held with President Trump…

5 years ago

Impeachment is Collapsing: Democrats Accidentally Prove Trump is Innocent By Promoting Alleged ‘Trump Tape’

The left makes themselves look foolish all the time. However, their latest gaffe actually proves President Donald Trump is innocent.…

5 years ago

Adam Schiff Reportedly Released False Information In Ukraine Probe

SHOCK: Schiff lied ... again -> This time about communications between Parnas and Giuliani. Has he no shame?

5 years ago

Giuliani Accuses Lev Parnas Of Lying, Brings Up Possibility Of Tape Recordings

Rudy Giuliani on Monday accused his former associate, Lev Parnas, of telling multiple lies during a media tour last week,…

5 years ago

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Destroys Entire Parnas, Quid Pro Quo, Giuliani, Bribery Hoax

No wonder the media has avoided actually talking to Ukrainian officials: they'll just refute every single one of the false…

5 years ago

Sender Of Cryptic Messages About Yovanovitch Says They Were A Joke, Admits Affiliation with Schiff

Another bombshell whistleblower suddenly reveals a connection to Rep. Adam Schiff...

5 years ago

CNN And MSNBC Let Lev Parnas Off The Hook

To hear Lev Parnas tell it, as he did in interviews this week with Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper, his…

5 years ago

Lev Parnas’s Comments To New York Times Conflict With CNN Report About ‘Secret Mission’ For Trump

Lev Parnas’s comments to The New York Times on Wednesday appear to conflict with what CNN reported about the Soviet-born…

5 years ago

Lev Parnas Is Willing To Cooperate With Prosecutors, His Lawyer Saysl

Lev Parnas, the former associate of Rudy Giuliani who was indicted in October on illegal campaign finance charges, is willing…

5 years ago

Giuliani Associate Will Cooperate With Democrats’ Impeachment Inquiry

An associate of Rudy Giuliani’s who was indicted in October on campaign finance charges will cooperate with the House Democrats’…

5 years ago

Giuliani Associates Plead Not Guilty To Campaign Finance Charges

Two associates of Rudy Giuliani who helped the Trump lawyer in his Ukraine-related investigations pleaded not guilty in federal court…

5 years ago

Giuliani Associates Who Worked On Biden-Ukraine Probe Have Been Arrested 

Two associates of Rudy Giuliani who helped the Trump lawyer investigate Joe Biden’s activities in Ukraine were arrested late Wednesday…

5 years ago