
Trump Requires Cabinet to Sign No-Lobbying Agreement

During his campaign for President, Donald Trump said he would limit the ability of administration officials to lobby the government and…

8 years ago

Please, Don’t Let Another Congressional Staffer Go to Bed Hungry

In some corners of elite opinion working on Capital Hill means one is laboring in the political equivalent of Wal–Mart.…

13 years ago

Jack Lew: Obama’s Newest Propaganda-Puppet

President Obama has had problems retaining his administration's  Chief's of Staff position filled during his first [ and only] term…

13 years ago

Jack Lew: Obama's Newest Propaganda-Puppet

President Obama has had problems retaining his administration's  Chief's of Staff position filled during his first [ and only] term…

13 years ago

5 of 12 Members of the Super Committee Received Bundled Cash from Lobbyists

5 of the 12 members of the deficit Super Committee received Bundled Cash from Lobbyists.   Shall we name names?…

13 years ago

Mike Yost to Take On Corrine Brown for U.S. Congress in 2012 – Florida District 03

Pictured to the left is 2012 Congressional candidate Mike Yost,  with wife Debbie, whom is running against long-term incumbent Democrat…

13 years ago

Meet the Intellect in Charge of America’s Healthcare

       I really wasn't in much of a mood to write today, but Obamacare Chief Katherine Sebelius cried out to…

14 years ago