Martin Luther King Jr

Dr. Tony Evans Our Post-Modern MLK, Jr.

Dr. Tony Evans of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship? Our Modern-Day Martin Luther King, Jr.

3 years ago

MLK’s Niece Says Biden Speaks From A Different Reality In Saying Floyd’s Death Had A Bigger Impact Than MLK’s Assassination

Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece criticized 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden Friday for saying George Floyd’s death had a bigger…

5 years ago

Biden Says MLK’s Assassination ‘Did Not Have The Worldwide Impact That George Floyd’s Death Did’

2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said Thursday that the death of George Floyd has had more of a “worldwide impact”…

5 years ago

Dr. Alveda King Shares The Best Way To Remember Her Uncle MLK During His Holiday

Alveda King, niece of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., appeared on “Fox & Friends” Monday to share the…

6 years ago

President Trump proclaims April 4, 2018, the 50 Anniversary of the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

President Donald Trump issued a proclamation Tuesday evening to "Dr. King's legacy" on the 50th Anniversary of his Assassination. From…

7 years ago

I Guess Martin Luther King Jr. Was Wrong

It seems that after all these years Martin Luther King, Jr. was wrong when he fought for so long to…

8 years ago

Remembering Dr. King’s Struggle Against Gun Control

As we approach MLK day, we requested reprint permission from our friends at The Typical Shooter for this informative article.…

9 years ago

The “N-Word”, Now There are 2 of Them!

I’ve been sitting here trying to figure out what to write about that has nothing to do with the president’s…

11 years ago

I Have a Dream – Full Speech by Martin Luther King Jr [Video and Transcript]

In honor of the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s historic speech, here is the full speech. Full Transcript…

12 years ago

George W. Bush commemorates the 50th Anniversary of MLK’s March on Washington

Office of George W. Bush Dallas, Texas August 28, 2013 STATEMENT BY PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH Laura and I are…

12 years ago

Marin Luther King Jr. Day revisited

Today on the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr. Day it is imperative that we as conservatives and libertarians remember…

13 years ago