Military Spending

Shanahan: No military housing, barracks or dormitory projects affected by border wall funding

Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan told representatives on Capitol Hill that this year's Defense budget request holds the same strategy…

6 years ago

Engaging Young Voters on Defense Issues

                    A study released recently by the national leaders of Young…

12 years ago

On military spending: Having your cake and eating it too

Earlier this week, one of our contributors wrote an article stating that he thought Romney's position on defense spending cuts…

12 years ago

Military’s Aging Aviation Force Puts America at Risk

This video from the Heritage Foundation explains America's dependence on aging aircraft. Dave Deptula, a retired three-star general, has witnessed…

13 years ago

Mitchell & Ray – 1/26 – SOTU and Stupid Conservatives

When: Thursday, January 26th, 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific Where:Streaming Internet Radio What: Join independent political commentators Michelle Ray and Rich Mitchell as they…

13 years ago

Ron Paul Discusses The Difference Between "Defense" Spending And "Military" Spending

Last night, in Myrtle Beach, at the Fox News Republican Debate, Ron Paul reiterated some of his thoughts on foreign…

13 years ago