Sharia law

Tolerance: Muslim Asylum Seeker Imprisoned For Killing Wife Who Converted To Christianity

A U.K. court sentenced a Muslim Iranian asylum seeker to jail Thursday for stabbing his wife to death, allegedly for…

6 years ago

Implementation of Phases Two and Three of Brunei’s Sharia Penal Code

Brunei’s decision to implement Phases Two and Three of the Sharia Penal Code runs counter to its international human rights…

6 years ago

Protesters Denounce Sharia Law

 Protesters held Rallies across the United States gathered on Saturday to denounce Sharia law, the Islamic legal and moral code…

8 years ago

England’s Takeover, Are We Next

There are 1.6 Billion Muslims in the world, it is said that up to 12%, or 16 million, are radicalized…

8 years ago

The Left’s Continuing War on Women

Huma Abedin learned from a young age that as a woman, she's a second class citizen. Her value is not…

12 years ago

Confederate Corner with George Neat June 4th – Liberals just cannot learn

When: Tuesday, June 4th, 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific Where: Confederate Corner with George Neat on Blog Talk Radio What: Yes there are…

12 years ago

Sharia in America: Probation for Honor Beating

Last summer a Wisconsin pastor was sentenced to two years in prison for 'telling' his parishioners they should spank their…

12 years ago

Palestine: Man Jailed for Eating During Ramadan

From the Palestinian Watch: Six people have been arrested and one sentenced to a month in prison for eating in…

13 years ago

Obama Ignores Sharia in America

Much has already been said by conservatives about Obama's apparent disdain for following the Constitution, let alone protecting it. So,…

13 years ago

More judicial tyranny in Sharia law ruling

When judges are deciding cases in American courts, you’d think we would want to limit them to using laws that…

13 years ago

10th Circuit Says Oklahoma’s Anti-Sharia Law Un-Constitutional

The U S 10th Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a ruling by U S District Court Judge Vicki Miles-LeGrange that…

13 years ago

Muslim Brotherhood/CAIR Caught on Video Organizing Occupy Orlando

The United West investigative team recently went to the Occupy Orlando protests to try to understand just what the protesters…

13 years ago

Allen West vs. CAIR Round 2

Rep. Allen West held a town-hall meeting last night in Florida, and once again a representative from CAIR showed up…

14 years ago

LTC Allen West’s Visit to Gitmo Quite Revealing

               Florida Congressman Allen West (R-FL) went down to Guatanimo Bay, Cuba recently and reports back his observations, not only…

14 years ago