
September 11, 2001 – Did Congress or Americans Learn Anything?

   On September 11, 2001, America and the world were forever changed. Does anyone falsely believe it was for the…

5 years ago

Preacher: Sarah Palin Wrong to Compare Waterboarding to Holy Baptism

WASHINGTON, May 5, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ -- Missionary to Capitol Hill, Rev. Rob Schenck, who attended the recent NRA convention…

11 years ago

We Need to Be Honest; Dispensing With the Spin

As we consider the anniversary of September 11th – now, both 2001 and 2012, it is important to consider some…

12 years ago

Refusal to Answer

The official Massachusetts State Police statement on the 5 men and 2 women arrested for trespassing near the largest man-made…

12 years ago

More Suspicious Activity in Boston

Three padlocks meant to keep trespassers out of the greater Boston water supply in Framingham, Massachusetts were cut and a…

12 years ago

Saudi Man Arrives at Detroit Airport with Pressure Cooker in Suitcase

This one surely will be chalked up under the 'stupid criminals' chapter, or maybe the "Oh, for God's Sakes." A…

12 years ago

Mock DHS News Report Depicts Gun Owners as Terrorists

Our Founding Fathers must surely be rolling over in their graves! YouTube Description: Department of Homeland Security FAKE NEWS VIDEO…

12 years ago

Conservative Media Elites, Progressives & The Blood of Boston

Well, bravo to the mainstream media – at least the Conservative mainstream media – for finally putting two-and-two together in…

12 years ago

THREE Denials for Help in Benghazi

Fox News has obtained information that confirms CIA operatives requested military backup 3 times during the terrorist attack in Benghazi,…

12 years ago

Security Officer at US Embassy in Yemen Assassinated

A US Embassy security official, identified as Qassem Aqlani, was assassinated on his way to work by a gunman on…

12 years ago

Attorney For 9-11 Terrorist Puts On Hijab, Wants Other Women In Courtroom To Do The Same

Too bad I can't be in the courtroom. I would do everything I can to do the OPPOSITE! This is…

13 years ago

Rumors of War: Target U.S.

An eye-opening documentary from GBTV.

13 years ago

BREAKING: Mayor Bloomberg's Terrorist Suspect Press Conference (Video)

Mayor Bloomberg's press conference in regards to New York terror suspect, Jose Pimentel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ofEDxeFb04

13 years ago

Southwest Flight Lands After Cockpit Break-In Attempt

A Southwest Flight crew asked for emergency clearance to land at approximately 3:30pm on Tuesday afternoon, after a man tried…

13 years ago

San Antonio: Possible Terrorist Attack Attempt Thwarted?

While last night's GOP Presidential Debate is the focus of the National news stations this morning, the local San Antonio…

13 years ago