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Mass State Police Unhappy With Clerk Decision

MSP SealThe events following an incident at the Quabbin Reservoir in Belchertown, Mass. have left state police puzzled.

When 5 men and 2 women from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Singapore converged at the reservoir that provides drinking water to the greater Boston area shortly after midnight on May 14, state police thought they would have a slam-dunk trespassing case against the seven individuals. A clerk magistrate, however, put an abrupt halt to those plans which could leave the seven alleged trespassers off-the-hook.

After being detained, interviewed and released by state police, the seven people were to await trespassing charges and a court summons. Local news reports in the days immediately following the incident listed the seven as “arrested,” though state spokesman David Procopio is now saying the group was “detained.”

The clerk’s decision not to charge the group, despite the incident triggering terrorism alerts and the involvement of the FBI, has left state police confused.

“In our view, the clerk’s decision was contrary to our past understanding with the court, specifically, that the continuance without criminal complaints (which is how minor motor vehicle matters are generally handled) is not the resolution in cases involving violations of the Quabbin watershed rules,” said Procopio in an email to

The FBI and state police have since stated that the 7 individuals who reside in Amherst, Cambridge, Northampton, Sunderland and New York City have no connection to terrorist activity.

Requests to obtain the names and court dates associated with the trespassing incident have gone unanswered by the Massachusetts State Police Chief Legal Counsel Mike Halpin, the East Hampshire District Court, and the records department of the MSP.

The Quabbin Reservoir is the largest man-made water supply in the US and provides clean water to the eastern half of Massachusetts including the Boston area.

Two weeks following the Quabbin trespassing incident, vandals cut padlocks that access the Hultman Aqueduct in Framingham, Mass. The Hultman provides drinking water to the greater Boston area. Authorities say there is no evidence of tampering with the water supply and are calling the broken locks an act of vandalism.
Read: Questions Remain After 7 Arrested

Read: More Suspicious Activity in Boston
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  1. All successful covert missions must have boot recon, but maybe they were just celabrating the American dream of great education,upward mobility and freedom of travel. The Quabban reservoir was listed in their post graduate ittinuary of America,s top 10 soft targets and like any good lib. Will show you that you must do things in the dark and sneak around laws to accomplish your stated goals in life.

  2. i’m sure these “people” were just taking a stroll at midnight and just happened to end up at the water reserve. if that was me, being a white male american, i would have been charged with terrorism, held without any bond and i would have been deemed a right wing terrorist.

  3. There�s a more effective method used instead of reverse osmosis for filtering out molecules which can be smaller than water molecules. Carbon filtering is it. That�s the reason why many water treatment facilities make use of both reverse osmosis and carbon filtering techniques. With this fashion, water could possibly be made more purified and safer for ingesting and different types of consumption.|

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