Obama Speechwriter Jokes About Polish Death Camp
Warning: Foul Language
35 million people were pissed off! And they laugh! It’s all a big joke to this Administration, from the lowliest speechwriter all the way to the top!
Hey, at least this speechwriter acknowledges that it’s ultimately Obama’s responsibility. I wonder if he will acknowledge all of the other things that are Obama’s responsibility, like, the economy, the Obamacare trainwreck, Benghazi…..
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” (George Santayana)
If you apply for a disability claim from an insurance company or, especially, the government, you have to PROVE you have been injured, REPEATEDLY. The insurance companies and government do not just “take your word for it” and never question you again. Israel SOLD the Holocaust for Political Leverage and Monetary Reparations, Israel itself opened the Holocaust up to questioning when they SOLD it. Israel FEARS the TRUTH about the NON-holoCOST because the MONEY would dry up, or WORSE have to be RETURNED.
Someone with an actuarial chart should track back and see just HOW MANY PEOPLE YOU HAVE TO START OUT WITH, in order to have 600,000 survivors 65+ YEARS LATER. And where do they get off with this “I survived 4-5-6 DEATH CAMPS” !? Seems to me those “notoriously efficient” Nazis were pretty sloppy, There had to be one heck of a LOT of “survivors” to begin with in 1945..