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Pissing On The Memory Of 9/11

As we approach the 14th anniversary of 9/11 we remember the almost three-thousand victims who lost their lives that day and the many more that died from cancer in the years that followed. Those Muslim terrorists who flew those high jacked planes into the Twin Towers are right now rotting in hell, but even that is too good for them.

But not all of us will be mourning the 9/11 victims and their families this coming Friday on the 14th anniversary of the attacks. In a story form the New York Post, hundreds of college kids across the country will instead be taught to sympathize with the terrorists. That’s right, we are allowing these so called professors to teach our kids that America is the evil one and the terrorists were poor persecuted freedom fighters.

In many universities across the country a freshman level English class are being taught  something called “The Literature of 9/11”, which focuses almost entirely on writings from the perspective of the Islamic terrorists, rather than the nearly 3,000 Americans who were slaughtered by them.

At the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill there is a associate English professor by the name of Neel Ahuja, He teaches his students that America’s depiction of the 9/11 terrorists as monsters is merely an attempt to animalize them as insects and justify squashing them in a fantasy of justice, he goes on to bash Israel and sides with Palestinian terrorists. I got news for this professor, those terrorists were worse than animals.

In a recent letter to UNC Chancellor Carol Folt, the college Republicans wrote. “These readings offer points of view that justify terrorism, paint the United States and its government as wholly evil and immoral and desecrate the memory of the victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. There is not a single reading required that focuses on the lives of the victims, the victim’s families, American soldiers families of American soldiers,” they added. “Nor is there a perspective that portrays the United States as acting in good faith before, during and after the Sept. 11 attacks.”

“Part of the college experience is the opportunity to learn from those who have differing points of view. Carolina’s first-year seminar program is part of that growth,” the administration said in a press statement, while insisting “the university isn’t forcing a set of beliefs on students.” Not forcing a set of beliefs? If a student disagrees with that A-hole they fail the class.

Several students who have taken the course warned in a professor review blog that Ahuja, who spews his un-American propaganda, does not tolerate dissent.

“He favors kids who share his views, so learn to do that,” said one reviewer. “A very interesting guy, just don’t disagree with him.”

“I would avoid contradicting him openly.”


I agree that a University should be a place where different ideas should be kicked around, but when you start failing students because they disagree with the professor’s view points, it now becomes indoctrination. Blaming America for something that Muslims are responsible for sounds like treason to me. Open debate on any subject is a good thing, but the Left does what it does best, shutting down the speech of people who disagree with them. Allowing this to happen is just another nail in America’s coffin.

“What Kind Of Society Are We Leaving Our Kids’ Available here.


This is one man’s opinion.

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  1. Boy, Chris, you show more restraint and class than I. I’ve been ‘mad as hell’ so often since 9/11 it’s almost the norm. The new mantra seems to be “If it’s American, kill it”. in 2006 while doing research for a speech I discover that the elementary schools is San Diego area and Southern Arizona were being taught that these areas were stolen from Mexico by the U.S. and still a part of Mexico….the outcry of rage lasted about a year, and our buses stopped at the Border to take Mexican children to school and back again to waiting parent on the ‘other’ side of the border…still are…..There is an escalating war on law enforcement, we are buying weapons so Iran can murder us…..then there’s that little boy that would be king in Our White House trying on another Machiavellian suit !!!! and stocking up on ‘magic pens’ !!!!

    In the Old Testament Abraham has a conversation with God and God promised that if even 10 men of faith would gather and pray for redemption, he would not destroy the earth.

    on 9/11 the Intercessors For America are having a day of prayer for our nation. ALL are invited to join us.

    The pray times are at 12:15 est 1:15 est 3:15 est on 9/11
    There is a live webcast…….

    To join in call (712)432-0015 (then enter code 1412452#)

    If timing is off for you, please take a minute at one of those times to lift your prayer for our Country to Him….he’s listening

  2. Chris this false leader we have is committed to change in every possible way imagined. His disregard for our Constitutional law is flagrant. “Affordable“ care is a disgraceful shame and the Iran deal is a preamble to evil. His legacy is an immoral stain on humanity.

    The professors are laughable in their work of programming our future generations through the distortions of truth. Hitler burned the books of knowledge; our Institutions of Higher Learning simply rewrote them in lies to align with their social rhetoric. College Diplomas should be printed on toilet paper in justice to the shit houses they have become, where his true legacy will be etched for eternity as eight years of inhumane impairment against liberty and freedom. Mr. Obama’s commitment is toward the human divide that compels mans misery, suffering and pain.

    Yet he likens himself to Lincoln as he follows the ways of Saul Olinsky. Abraham Lincoln wrote about commitment through his thoughts.

    Commitment is about what transforms a promise into reality. It is the words that speak boldly about your intentions. And the actions that speak louder than the words. It is making the time when there is none. Coming through time after time after time, year after year after year. Commitment is the stuff character is made. The power to change the face of things. It is the daily triumph of integrity over skepticism.

    Perhaps Mr. Lincoln would have also said this if he were around today.

    Commitment is the power to change the face of many things, knowing that change can be both good and bad. It tells volumes about a person’s character and their dedication to their cause through commitment. Achieving one’s goal through commitment that will result in change also tells much about a person’s integrity. Through out our worlds history their have been many leaders committed to change and dedicated to their will without integrity. Their commitment and dedication changed the face of life for countless people…in unimaginable ways. Commitment to change without integrity is a dedication to evil.

    That change will fuel a commitment to reaction and triumph by the oppressed far more powerful than they ever imagined by their oppressor. History has taught us this as well and at what cost.

    It is the responsibility of mankind to seek a better circumstance in our quest toward the balance of our world’s social order. It is said that we cannot change our circumstance, the seasons or the wind but we can change ourselves. Because this is something we have charge of and in doing this we do change our circumstance. When we control our circumstance we fare better in the seasons and sail upon calmer seas with the winds that take us into the unknown through a greater self.

  3. My point Chris is that you may teach a different history but history’s truth will never change. Nor will a man’s legacy.

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