Customs, Border and Immigration NewsIn The NewsSyndicated Posts

BP Arrests 30 Illegal Aliens Aboard Stolen Pickup

TUCSON, Ariz. – U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested 30 illegal aliens during a vehicle stop and recovered a stolen truck in Douglas, Arizona, Monday.

Around 7 a.m., Tucson Sector agents patrolling east of town responded to a concerned citizen’s report of a suspicious vehicle near the international boundary.

Agents apprehended 30 men, women & children after they crossed into the U.S. from Mexico illegally
Agents apprehended 30 men, women &
children after they crossed into the U.S. from
Mexico illegally

Agents located the Ford F-250 pickup truck approaching Douglas on a dirt road. As they attempted a vehicle immigration stop, the driver abandoned the truck in the driveway of a random house and fled on foot into nearby neighborhoods.

Agents discovered 30 Mexican nationals, including women and children, packed in the vehicle. All 30 were found to be illegally present in the United States and consequently expelled to Mexico via Title 42 authority.

After an exhaustive search, agents were unable to locate the driver of the pickup truck. Records checks revealed the truck was reported stolen out of the Phoenix metropolitan area.

“Smugglers have long disregarded the safety of migrants. Now, during the pandemic, they not only risk the lives of migrants, they risk all of our lives by shoving migrants into vehicles without social distancing, without facial masks, and without any regard for the exposure of COVID-19 to other migrants and public at large, ” said Tucson Sector Chief Roy Villareal. “They show no regard for the lives they exploit, our workforce or the communities our agents strive to protect in the midst of this public health crisis.”

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. So what? They will be given a stern talking to and booked into a five star hotel at tax payers expense to await court hearing. They will not attend court hearing They will get drivers licenses , food stamps, welfare, Medicaid etc and a mail in ballot with the democratic candidates pre selected. They will be given a Fanny or Freddy mortgage , no money down ….. then never pay the mortgage or the taxes and wait twenty years or more to be evicted. Yeeee haaaa ! Welcome to the USA , no law, no order, no future. This is destabilizing our entire nation.

  2. Joey
    YOU and those like you CAN CHANGE THIS. While Obama encouraged and allowed all of this to happen, TRUMP WILL NOT and is doing what he can legally to shut the borders while being blocked at every turn by the Democrats in Congress. YOU and others like me that find this totally unacceptable can work and vote for the candidates that support our President.

    If may mean getting out of you comfort zone, but the pay off is worth every effort.

    I’m counting on you to help me and our great country get back to law and order.

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