
Pelosi-Care And Planned Parenthood Create Government Abortion Machine

It is well-reported that the House Democrat plan, H.R.3962 – Pelosi-Care, has provisions that allow federal funds to be allowed to be used to pay for abortions. In section 213 of the bill, it actually explains how all government-collected premiums will be used to kill the unborn.

A more serious situation is becoming evident. This week, Abby Johnson quit her job as a Planned Parenthood director because her bosses had pressured her to, “increase profits by performing more and more abortions..”. Obviously the liberal-supported organization stands to benefit greatly if Congress finds a publicly-funded way to get money to Planned Parenthood.

While abortions are currently legal  in the United States, having public money directly pay for them to occur will certainly outrage pro-life Democrats and certainly will endanger the positions of newly-elected Democrats in Conservative states.

Planned Parenthood

This joint-effort of Planned Parenthood to push it’s staff to coerce more and more young mothers into abortions and Congress to make sure there is a lot more money available to pay for them is illustrative of the morally-bankrupt attitude in Congress.   Anyone that pays health care premiums will now be funding abortions.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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