Obama Puts His Policies in Coakley's Hands

“Understand what’s at stake here, Massachusetts. It’s whether we’re going forward or going backwards,’’ the President told 1,500 Coakley supporters. Obama has made several similar statements lately that display how unpopular his policies have become and how increasingly desperate his administration is getting.
For the first time in decades, the Massachusetts Senate seat formerly held by Senator Kennedy is set to go to Conservatives. Independents are abandoning the President in droves and tomorrow’s New England vote could signal the trouble ahead for other Congressional seats – and not just the closely contested ones.
Cap and trade has all but died on the Senate floor, the green jobs initiative is strangely invisible, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are not over, new taxes are coming, and health care reform is hanging by a vote, a single vote. If Coakley loses to Brown, Congress will have to either pass the Senate bill as it is or start over – and Obama is well aware of the damage that his policies are doing to his party and his own re-election chances. If the health care debate continues much further into 2010 the amount of change the President is bringing to Washington could be dramatic: a Republican majority in both houses of Congress.
Current polls show Brown up by anywhere from 6-10% and the current curve has him increasing that lead daily. The revolt against liberal policy is larger than just the Massachusetts race. In an AP article, sentiments by Obama followers display how his own base is either disengaging or being driven away entirely. The article discusses the outright political conversion of a Kansas woman:
But she became disillusioned with Obama and his promises, disgusted by the bank bailouts, the wars, the health care debate, and what she considers the lack of any political interest in education.
And so, the 22-year-old English student stopped at a fair booth run by Republican Ron Paul’s “Campaign for Liberty.” A year earlier, Hartz would have dismissed such a group as “a bunch of crazy libertarians with unrealistic ideas and a lot of talk about grass-roots revolution.”
On this day, she listened. And she liked their message of limited government and more individual responsibility.
One person is by no means a ground swell of change. It simply indicates that the seas are changing and the next wave of hope is in the air.