In The News
Olympia Snowe May Yet Give Democrats Their Super-Majority reports that Olympia Snowe (RINO-Maine) is letting Reid’s insulting comments on her go and she might yet continue to support the liberal agenda. Maine, seriously, it’s time to go Massachusetts her.
Speaking with reporters in the Capitol Wednesday, Snowe said she has yet to speak with Reid regarding his critical comments in The New York Times last week. In the article, the Nevada Democrat is critical of the bipartisan talks that failed in the Senate over health care, and Reid says of Snowe: “As I look back it was a waste of time dealing with her because she had no intention of ever working anything out.”
To which Snowe answered:
“I can’t account for why he said what he said,” Snowe said. “I keep working moving forward on all the issues that matter.”
Of course, it’s fine to insult a fellow Senator, it’s ok for Reid to dish out racist comments, it’s just ok for Reid to do anything. Snowe deciding that this behavior is allowable may signal her willingness to be the one Republican to cross the isle. Is her retirement plan finalized?