
Liberty Lost – Variations on a Theme

This week, the Conservative Daily News team decided to focus on liberty.  With the 8-28 Restoring Honor rally this weekend, it seems logical that we would focus on a foundational principle of our republic – individual freedom.

“A free people [claim] their rights as derived from the laws of nature, and not as the gift of their chief magistrate.” -Thomas Jefferson: “Rights of British America, 1774”  – The Papers of Thomas Jefferson

John Smith (StopObama2012) starts us off with  a look into current events and their encroachment upon our individual rights.  From John’s “Freedoms& Liberties: Under Constant Attack

Ladies and gentlemen, liberty is under attack – an attack that the Obama Administration has put into overdrive. It did not begin with Obama, but hopefully – come November – we can turn it around and alter our government to get it back in tune with our “unalienable Rights.” I am going to list several of these attacks, many of which are carefully disguised in Cass Sunstein’s favorite term, “Nudges.” First lets take a look through some Executive Orders so we can analyze it straight from the top. [Read More]

In, “The Shredding of the Constitution“, I chose to delve into specific actions and policy that directly impact the Bill of Rights

Individual liberties have been at the core of our Great American Experiment since it’s beginning.  The Federalist Papers and Declaration of Independence make the case that certain rights are inalienable and the Constitution sets down the framework by which they should be protected.  President Obama is the master at the helm of a liberty-destroying administration replete with progressive extremists that find the Constitution to be a major obstacle to their self-aggrandizing agenda – precisely the obstacle our founders had intended it to be.  [Read More]

PolarCoug discusses how Obama’s approach to leadership is more tyrannical than Presidential in “Obama’s No Leader, He’s just a Dictator Wanabe“.

..despite the fact the leadership gene is absent from Obama’s DNA, he does happen to rule over us in a despotic sort of way. Frankly, he has the power to restrict our liberties, and has demonstrated, time and again, a desire to do precisely that. America is at one of those hinge points of history – the ending of one era and the beginning of another. It is a time fraught with dangers to our personal liberties. It is also a time of blessing, for the dangers facing us have awakened the sleeping giant that is America’s soul.. [Read More]

Michelle Ray reveals that indebtedness is a sure way to lose the right (and ability) to pursue happiness in “You Are No Longer Entitled To Pursue Happiness“.

It is unthinkable for most middle class Americans that their taxes will increase significantly, but that is exactly what has happened, and will continue to happen. With the passage of program after program aimed at fiscal stimulus, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Financial Reform, the inflation of food prices and the looming cap and trade legislation, taxes will continue to rise to the point of your average family no longer being able to sustain their current existence. [Read More]

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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