Debbie Wasserman-Schultz- Only I’m Smart Enough to Invest in the Stock Market

Pembroke Pines, FL, Oct 6, 2010 – It is no secret that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is one of the most fiercely partisan liberal ideologues in Congress.  But now she has earned yet another not-so-meritorious distinction- hypocritical elitist.

In case you haven’t heard, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz believes that only she knows what is best for her constituents, and it’s evident that she thinks people are simply not smart enough to make their own decisions about what is in their own best interests- even when it comes to their own personal investments.

During a recent televised appearance on CNN, Debbie lectured a national audience that, “Investing in the stock market is a risky gamble.  It’s certainly not good for senior citizens or for the next generation to preserve Social Security.”

But it turns out Debbie doesn’t even listen to her own advice.

From the Daily Caller (9/30):

On the other hand, it seems Wasserman-Schultz may need to heed her own warnings. According to her most recent financial disclosure form, Wasserman-Schultz may be, if she believes what she told viewers of CNN, gambling with the twilight of her life.

In 2009, two years into the financial crisis, Wasserman-Schultz and her husband Paul purchased between $25,011 and $200,000 in mutual fund investments in retirement accounts.

Wasserman-Schultz also owns between $100,001 and $250,000 in common shares for the Community Bank of Broward, where her husband works.

“Hypocritical statements such as these are proof positive that politicians such as Debbie Wasserman-Schultz do not have a very high opinion of their constituents’ own ability to think for themselves,” said Karen Harrington, candidate for Congress in Florida’s 20th District.  “It’s clear that Debbie thinks her constituents are the equivalent of helpless children who cannot cope without her guidance and are incapable of making their own investment decisions or managing their own money. Unfortunately, our present leaders in Congress view themselves as a ruling class of elites, and no longer as public servants.  Debbie is certainly more comfortable lecturing everyone else what to do rather than allowing people to have the same choices and opportunities that she has at her disposal.  Hypocritical posturing that is this egregious should make people question whether Debbie ever believes her own rhetoric about this or any other important issue that Americans are facing today,” said Harrington.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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