In The NewsMoney & The Economy

Wreckovery Wednesday – It’s Not Getting Better Out There

We’ve been hearing that the situation in America is improving, albeit slowly.  It would appear, that they are not improving .. at all.  It’s time for a new strategy.

Goldman Sachs Says U.S. Economy May Be `Fairly Bad’

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said the U.S. economy is likely to be “fairly bad” or “very bad” over the next six to nine months.

Real-estate slump to linger

Prospects for global realty remain “dismal” in the midst of a downturn that could last eight years, warns the International Monetary Fund, which sees lingering woes in “bust” and “rebound” counties alike.

Private Sector Sheds Jobs

A private employers unexpectedly cut 39,000 jobs in September after an upwardly revised gain of 10,000 in August.

IMF Warns Against Currency War

The IMF chief says nations looking to cap the strength of their currencies risks derailing recovery.

40% of U.S. Workers Delay Retirement

A new report shows 40% of workers are planning to delay their retirement due to concerns about out living their savings and fears of rising healthcare costs.

IMF Cuts U.S. Growth Estimates on Weak Consumer Spending

The International Monetary Fund lowered its forecast for U.S. growth this year and 2011, predicting a “slow” rebound restrained by a lack of consumer spending.

Congress to Enhance Smoot-Hawley – Protectionist Cause of the Great Depression

Smoot-Hawley was officially named the “Tarrif Act of 1930″.  The act raised or enacted tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods. This incredibly protectionist move is largely credited with creating the Great Depression.  Our current leadership thinks we should try it again.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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