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Khalid Sheikh Mohammed May Not Face Trial

In a startling affront to the American sense of justice, the Obama administration’s inability to make a decision will more-than-likely delay Khlaid Sheikh Mohammed’s trial past the 2012 election and possibly longer.  FoxNews reported Sunday morning that the administration is now signalling that it will not try Khalid until at least after the 2012 election and perhaps not at all.  The New York Post seems to confirm this report:

Khalid Sheik Mohammed is likely to stay in military detention for an undetermined time – possibly until after the 2012 elections, the Washington Post reports.

The White House has suspended plans to try Mohammed in federal court because elected officials in New York strongly protested the idea, the paper says, citing senior White House officials who asked to remain anonymous.

Obama has been struggling with the 9-11 mastermind’s legal disposition ever since he chose to vacate Khalid’s guilty plea simply because it was given in a military tribunal.  A fair trial that gave Khalid more chance of a defense than the thousands of innocent workers he killed on 9-11.

Obama’s plight is purely political, much like him.  He is trying to appease his extreme left-wing progressive supporters by holding a civilian trial in New York City, but is facing criticism from the moderate majority in the Democrat party.  He can give the progressives what they want and experience Tsunami: part II in 2012 or he can give the moderates and Conservatives what they desire – a quick military tribunal for an act of war – and he will likely lose the progressive and socialist factions in his party that most match his politics.

It appears that the families of the victims of Khalid’s attack will not see justice until President Obama and Democrats lose control of the White House and Congress.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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