
Florida Politics: The Week in Review

This past week Governor Rick Scott reviewed a proposal once again to go ahead with the Tampa to Orlando High Speed Rail Plan, and once again he turned it down. There are some troubling aspects coming to light here in this situation that demands Floridans get involved and start asking questions. First of all, just what was in this latest proposal that made it unacceptable to the Governor’s office? Protecting the taxpayers is an admirable agenda, but a little more transparency is needed here if Governor Scott wants to earn the trust of Floridians today. I would like some details and will be calling the Governor’s office Monday morning to see if I can get an explanation on why this latest plan was turned down. In trying to research this situation today, I did come across some troubling hints at stealth attempts at what seem like somehow putting taxpayers on the hook for this plan.

Things just do not add up here. This will be Amtrak2,and it will lose taxpayer’s money year, after year, after year. Every single one of these projects end up costing billions more than mathematically challenged tyrants like Sen. Nelson and Rep. Castor “project” they will cost, when they start them. I will put Governor Scott’s business and budgeting experience up against the whole Democratic party of Florida’s experience any time. Rick Scott has decades of business and budgeting experience. Nelson, Castor, and the rest of the State Democrats in Florida? ZERO. The Democrats trying to undermine the Governor today do have him beaten in one category: They are champions at being career, self serving politicians, who have accomplished nothing more in life, than living off of taxpayer dollars.

Meet the Florida career politician that is pushing this high speed rail boondoggle onto the people of Florida, even though they voted it down in 2010:

Kathy Castor went from being an assistant legal council, for “Community affairs,” to serving on the Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners for a few years. She was also the daughter of career politicians/ lawyers. Her father was a judge who also served on the Board of Commissioners down here. I have outlined how Democrats with de-facto fake law degrees end up in the Democratic Party time after time in prior articles. This pattern has been well proven. Castor is one of these “lawyers” who never tried a real case in court. From day one she was groomed to be a career politician. She also shows us the other way these types of Democrats slither into office. That usually involves a person dying or moving up in the career taxpayer sucking categories of career politicians.  Jim Davis left his seat in Congress to run for Governor, Castor won the Dem. primary with Daddy’s help, and that of pretty much every media outlet in Florida singing her praises. And alas, she won her seat by a 70-30% margin, due to Republicans not wanting to put up a solid candidate and any money against her, as they knew she had the media behind her and they were giving her “Free Press” at every turn. Sound familiar? Castor has a nasty hidden agenda , which is evident by her refusal to answer questions from the people of Florida about their tax dollars in this situation, thus she needs to be kicked out of office in 2012. We can’t help Governor Scott fix Florida with these kinds of people trying to circumvent his decisions to enhance their Union-Crony power base for future elections. Take a good look at Kathy Castor’s face there. Sure looks like the face of a career politician to me. I can’t wait to see her forced to actually work for a living in 2012, when the people of Florida say they have had enough of these elitists ignoring them, while trying to force higher taxes onto them.

Following Florida Governor Rick Scott’s decision to scuttle the proposed High Speed Rail (HSR) project, Congressman Allen West has come out in support of the Governor’s decision to kill the project. LTC West said , ” I don’t see a need for High Speed rail here in the state Florida.” LTC West further described this rail plan that, since 41 of 44 Amtrack lines lose money, “it’s a train to nowhere.” That is exactly why this writer is calling it Amtrak 2.0

I reported earlier here at CDN on  Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood telling, what I consider to be tall tales, when he said he had received letters from politicians in New York stating that they would take the High Speed Rail money Florida had turned down. We were being bullied with the statement that we have to take this money now, or they will give it to someone else today. Well guess what?  They didn’t give the money to N.Y. The Feds want to get their hooks into Florida with this cockamamie high speed rail plan. We do not have the population density to ensure even mediocre revenue from ridership, period. What part of that do the Tampa Tyrants and Sen Bill Nelson not understand here? We said no at the polls last Nov,  and our duly elected Governor backed us up.  New York is billions and billions of dollars in the red this year, and the last thing we want to do is to turn Florida into New York.

Governor Rick Scott’s upcoming budget cuts are sure to rile up the big spending Democrats of Florida and even some irresponsible RINO-Republicans who don’t seem to care if we go bankrupt in the near future. This will be a huge topic of discussion and I will be keeping our readers informed of any important developments in regular news articles. If you would like a preview of the nastiness we can expect in the very near future about the needed budget cuts, see my latest article here at CDN on the corrupt felon, impeached Federal Judge-turned Congressman Alcee Hastings. This man represents  exactly what is wrong in our government today. Unbelievable .

Rep. Kathy Castor even deemed herself important enough to call a press conference last week saying that they will be giving their new high speed rail  “plan” to Governor Scott. The problem, is that Castor just doesn’t seem to understand that she works for the people, and thus needs to be targeted  for termination in 2012 for this stunt. She also acts like an elitist tyrant in not returning phone calls or emails.I got the runaround on 3 different occasions from her office last week. If she had valid statements about  her “plan” then she wouldn’t be afraid of answering questions from the very people who pay her salary. The fact is, Kathy Castor could care less what the people of Florida want. The people of Florida deserve answers on how their tax dollars are being spent, whether Ms. Castor likes it or not. Ditto for Sen. Bill Nelson. No High Speed Rail for Florida at this time, it is simply a luxury can not afford.

Senator Marco Rubio traveled around the state last week meeting and talking with the people of Florida on today’s issues. He explained how the lawsuit against Obamacare is moving forward and how the government doesn’t create jobs, the private sector creates job.  Senator Rubio does not support any continuing resolution to fund our government temporarily unless it includes major cuts in spending. I agree with this, and as I have stated before, the DC politicians are enabling more irresponsible spending every day they don’t have a firm budget resolution. Senator Rubio will be fighting for Florida and all of America in trying to force spending cuts in any budget bills going through the U.S. Senate. The problem lies within the big spending Liberal Democratic Party and Harry Reid, who control the U.S. Senate today. They seem more determined than ever to bankrupt America and pile massive debt onto future generations of our children. While Senator Rubio is only one man against a massive big spending political machine up in D.C. , he truly gives us some hope for, “Winning the future of America.” Unlike Barack Obama, Senator Rubio has firm plans on just how we need to go about securing our future. Those include reigning in irresponsible spending, de-funding Obamacare, and cutting back to a truer form of limited government to open up private sector job creation. I am honored to have Senator Rubio representing the State of Florida in our nation’s capitol.

I will now be writing updated Florida politics articles on a weekly basis here at CDN, and will also keep Floridians informed of any breaking developments as they happen. If you have any information you would like to share, or any questions drop them into the comment section below and I will reply to them on a daily basis. These are uncertain times in Florida and America today, and an informed voting public is crucial to restoring American Liberty and Propserity for future generations of Americans.  Thank you for visiting CDN and our new Florida politics week in review column.

Upcoming event notice: Hernando County GOP Chairman and RPOF Assitant Treasurer Blaise Ingoglia is bringing his widely popular “Government Gone Wild” seminar to South Florida.  Ingoglia will be showcasing his seminar at the Miami-Dade GOP on March 3rd and to the Southwest Broward Republican Organization (SWBRO) in Pembroke Pines on March 7th. Government Gone Wild! is dedicated to educating every citizen of the dangers of Big Government while motivating people to get off their couch and get involved. Please view the following link:

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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