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Union Thug Attacks Conservative Without Provocation

I met Tabitha Hale at BlogCon, the Conservative blogger’s conference, last year. Charming, straight forward and obviously a hard worker for the Conservative cause. I was out with the family all day and missed this story until now (thank you @adreinneroyer for getting me straight).

Between Obama’s “civility” speeches and the “we’re not thugs” propaganda coming from union puppet masters, one would think that this would be the last thing that would have happened. Even according to homeland security Conservatives are the violent ones that all must be wary of.

Here, a loyal union member is doing what unions have always done – when your oppressive regime is threatened, start twisting arms and breaking legs – or in this case, hitting a woman.

“Civility” .. thanks Obama. You held Conservatives to a higher level than your own union puppet masters.

Hitting or pushing a woman, even if we don’t like her, is unthinkable. For liberals, unthinkable describes a typical day.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. Pretty disgusting display of Obama’s pals in the Unions here. Big cuts coming to Florida soon too. I,ll be at ground zero stating my opinion on how MY tax dollars should be spent. Let someone like this sad example of a human being try to swat me around, just one time. I,m not a woman, and I happen know just a little bit on how to properly defend myself. Come on down to Florida asshats, I,m waiting on you with a message of my own.

    These ignorant thugs posing as some king of academic wonderkids dont impress me one bit.If they had a good cause they would be able to state it and their reasons for standing for the cause. These petty freeloaders cant even answer the question ‘Why are you here?” The taxpayers are there to tell you your free ride and 100k salaries for incompetents at their expense is over. Clear enough?

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