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CBS and Time Already on Hope N Change Redux 2012 Obama Campaign

       The 2012 Presidential elections are  20 months away,and while we see our Congress locked in a massive budget brawl that looks like it will end up in a government shutdown later on this week, CBS followed Obama’s early campaign announcement lead by starting their own version of Barack’s get out the vote campaign immediately, with the following false headline posed as an honest question:

    ”  How Good are Obama’s re-election chances ? “   I suppose working on Obama’s re-election campaign is the utmost priority over at CBS and Time, considering the fact that they both spent the bulk of their airtime/ print space promoting him in 2008.  In reading this campaign ad, er.. I mean article, I was hoping to find signs that CBS might actually see the danger Obama and the democrats pose today to everything American, and come to their senses. As you can see here from the above linked article, CBS and Time are already trying to make Americans believe that no matter who runs against him in 2012, Barack will win a second term:

 ” So it’s a good time to ask: how good are his chances – at the moment, at least – to win a second term? The short answer is: Pretty decent.”  And as Time’s Michael Scherer notes, even those who disagree with Mr. Obama tend to like him – a crucial factor in winning the independents who broke from the Democrats in the 2010 midterm elections. The fact that 84 percent of Americans (according to an Associated Press poll last month) call Mr. Obama a likeable person speaks to his advantage among the casual voters who may not go to the polls in a midterm year but will cast ballots in 2012.” (emphasis mine)

    This is why I personally, do not take anything Time, CBS, and the AP say/print/report today seriously.  America is approaching $15 trillion dollars in debt, gasoline prices are now at $3.65 a gallon (as opposed to $1.84  when Obama took office), food prices are skyrocketing, federal revenue is shrinking ,with the fact that they are lying to themselves about the Unemployment numbers today and that will expose this very soon, we are now engaged in a 3rd war in Libya that has already cost us $600 million dollars, and CBS and Time want us to think that Obama will be re-elected because he is likeable ?  That is not news reporting there, that is campaign propaganda, period.

   That CBS/Time Obama campaign ad masquerading as a news piece also goes on to try to make it look like the Teaparty/GOP split will make the primaries such a difficult battle that it will alienate the swing voters, thus enabling Barack to win a second term. They are trying to suggest that swing voters will ignore the $15 trillion dollars in debt that Obama’s Liberal Democrats are refusing to take action on in passing the GOP proposed serious budget cuts, and re-elect the man who directs those actions?  These people are in for a rude awakening in 2012 that will make the 2010 election beatdown of the Democrat’s Liberal Socialist agenda pale in comparison.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. With Obama’s early announcement, there is still room for other Democratic candidates. I personally don’t see how Obama has any chance of re-election unless he reverses Executive Order 13489 (signed the day after he took office), which effectively seals all his pre-presidential records. We’re talking about someone who had no public record prior to 2004 and who has reneged on all his campaign promises. Unlike the fawning and obsequious Time and CBS (and the New York Times and Washington Post), Fox News will make mince meat out of him. I blog about this at “The President with No Past” at

  2. Hello Dr. Bramhill, and thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us here at CDN.

    I will be checking out your blog here shortly. In looking at the Chicago-style thug tactics that have been condoned and/or ordered by the Obama regime, I do not see any serious Democratic challenge to him in 2012. The Dem party as a whole is now known to have been hijacked by the far left liberals by anyone taking the time to look into their actions.I believe that we will see the reality-denying Liberals and Obama trying to convince America that they are going to win in 2012, no matter what the polls point to, just like in 2010, when, on election day Pelosi and Wasserman Shultz both went on TV to announce that they, (Dems) will maintain the majority in the house .

    The old mantra of telling the same lie over and over until it becomes the truth is no longer working on American voters. The country is broke and heavily in debt, period. I also expect to see many old guard GOP RINOS bite the dust in 2012, as we have had enough of their spineless failure to vigorously fight off the liberal agenda .

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