Reformation Project seeks church acceptance of gay lifestyle

Reformation Project seeks church acceptance of gay lifestyle

After America’s first professional male athlete recently came out as gay, the leftist media followed with its predictable support of the lifestyle and the player even received a call from Barack Obama to mark the supposedly heroic declaration.
When a sports analyst dared share his deeply held belief that homosexuality – along with all extramarital sex – is sinful, he and millions of Christians were derided by the same media and portrayed as hate-filled bigots.
Right on cue, gay activist Matthew Vines announced the creation of a new program designed to further cement that inaccurate assessment by normalizing homosexuality within the Christian church.
Vines’ mission through the Reformation Project is to join with like-minded individuals to train leaders to spread the message.
Already known for a viral video in which he explains his identification as both a gay man and a Christian, Vines said he was asked to leave his church after he attempted to change parishioners’ views on sexual sin.
He complains of “thousands of churches across the world where gay Christians have no voice,” paraphrasing the biblical principle that “the stone that the builders rejected has and will become the cornerstone.” Dismissing the fact this scripture refers to Jesus and not homosexuals living in unrepentant sin, Vines wants to change the central tenets of Christianity to make himself feel better about his own lifestyle.
This is nothing new, unfortunately, as believers often seek to rationalize their own sin in order to assuage the associated guilt. When a major campaign to normalize and overlook one particular sin gains traction, though, countless individuals struggling with that affliction can be misled into believing God has somehow lowered his standards.
Homosexuals – as with thieves, adulterers, and murderers – can and do make it to heaven, but only after they confront their sin and turn away from it. All Christians struggle to live in accordance with the Bible and we can never match the perfect model Jesus left during his 33 years on earth.
There is a big difference, however, between fervently praying for guidance in a struggle and pretending God’s Word has somehow adapted to one’s favorite sin.
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B. Christopher Agee

B. Christopher Agee is an award-winning journalist and conservative columnist. He established The Informed Conservative and late 2011 and currently reaches an audience of millions each month through publication on several major websites. He lives in the Fort Worth, Texas, area with his wife.

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  1. Gay folks they are hear to stay. No matter what you do, that is a FACT. Lets keep our minds on getting rid of the worst president the USA has ever had. He is the one that is ruining our USA w/ his stupid choices. Don’t let the liberals take our goals away from us by printing stories that are useless and getting our attention to something that has been around since time began. (almost) Lets get the AH out of the WH, and these conversations will be nil.

    1. Granny, yep sure gay folks are here to stay and have always existed. But that doesnt mean it’s a non-issue. Society is experiencing change. The definition of marriage is being loosened. Accordingly, expectations of monogamy are reducing. And from a Christian point of view, it’s troubling to see the Bible misrepresented.
      Changing the president is unlikely to solve all of this.

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