
Oh Say Can You See

I remember several years ago while looking to buy a house the realtor kept bring up properties that had HOA’s (Home Owners Association). I told her don’t even worry about pulling the files on the properties. I knew then that it would just cause grief and trouble if someone tried to tell me what I could do on the property I paid for.

In a single day I read two separate news reports where an HOA is being tyrannical and downright un-American. In one case the HOA is demanding that Fred Quigley- a veteran who fought in Korea and Vietnam- take down his flag pole. Mr. Quigley  proudly flies the flag that he so honorably served, the flag of The United States of America, on this pole.

In the other case, the HOA has halted construction on the home that was to be built by Homes for Our Troops for Sgt. 1st Class Sean Gittens who was paralyzed by an IED.

The HOA in Macedonia, Ohio told Mr. Quigley (I am sorry I could not find out the rank he attained or I would address him as such) he could fly his flag from a stanchion from his home but Mr. Quigley would not hear of it. In a statement concerning the matter, he stated:

“To me, a flagpole is a thing of boldness and is substantial. Putting a flag on your house is like putting a wreath on your door. It doesn’t mean as much.”

The HOA even stated that “landscapers have to work around it” and it would require electricity to be ran to the pole for illumination. OH MY GOSH! A landscaper would have to do what he is paid to do and run a line to the pole for a light. I was actually surprised that the HOA knew that flag etiquette deems that the flag be illuminated in the event it is flown at night.

I am proud to say that Mr. Quigley’s community have rallied around him. Many of his supporters gathered together with him as The American Legion performed a Flag Raising Ceremony at Mr. Quigley’s flag pole.

Sgt. Gittens and his family have been up against a very determined HOA. The HOA in the Evans, Georgia neighborhood have stated that because the Gittenses’ house would be smaller than most of the houses in the area, it would bring down property values even though the house exceeds the minimum square footage. The HOA even had the audacity to request that they build a second story on the house. REALLY?! A disabled veteran who is bound to a wheelchair or bed at all times should be required to build a second story?! The Gittens Family decided to build their new home elsewhere to end the conflict. Homes For Our Troops will now be able to build a home for the good Sgt. And his family without having to battle the HOA the entire time.

John Gonsalves, president and founder of Homes for Our Troops, made a statement saying:

“This home is about freedom and independence adapted to the Gittenses’ needs, but it’s also about roots. Luckily we can enjoy the [American] dream because of people like Sgt. Gittens. So who deserves it more than him?”

I would personally like to take these HOA presidents behind the woodshed and give them a few lessons on how to honor our veterans and OUR flag. There should be no other held in higher regards than those who have put his/her life on the line to defend our great nation and/or do her bidding. It is because of these individuals that we have the freedoms we have today. All of our freedoms have been bought and paid for with the literal blood, sweat, tears of our great men and women who make up our great military. Many have even given their very lives so that you might be free today.

July 4 Update: Ohio Veteran Wins Fight To Fly American Flag On Pole Outside His House


For those of you that own firearms, train hard and well and teach those that do not know how.
Be good stewards of the right to bear arms, for we are the last line of defense against tyranny.

-Benjamin Wallace



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One Comment

  1. I couldn’t agree more, in that I would never surrender my “property use rights” to an HOA for property that belongs to me. Of course the lie is “HOA’s keep property values higher.” Hogwash… HOA’s strip you of the freedom to paint your house in polka dots, and I would much rather live next to that than some “stiff suit” intent on controlling what I do.

    HOA’s were created by snobs.

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