DNC Escalates Mediscare Tactics in Rant on .. Huntsman?

Democrats Use Medicare Fear TacticsJon Hunstman is so far in the back of the GOP pack that by now he must be reaching the acceptance phase of the death of his campaign. That did not stop the Democratic National Committee from attacking him and the well-thought Cut, Cap and Balance plan at the same time.

A DNC press release entitled: “Give It to Us Straight, Mr. Huntsman: Do You Support Cut, Cap and Kill Medicare?” the DNC pulls out the Mediscare ghost to go after a political also-ran. Jon Huntsman has no chance of winning the primaries, but the DNC can’t resist an opportunity to frighten the retired and baby boomers into voting against any Republican.

Maybe by attacking a no-name like Mr. Huntsman, they felt that no one would test their claim. Cut, Cap and Balance has not one .. not two, but THREE clauses that exempt Medicare from spending cuts. Of course, we hear no Republicans pushing back. Why? Democrats have successfully pushed CCB into being nothing more than background noise in the current debate and the proponents of CCB, like Jim Jordan, just don’t seem to know how to defend their own plans.


Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. Why is this man at the bottom from the Republican list of declared presidential candidates?
    He actual appears like a normal, sensible one who may have the right ideas in reference to our stalled economy.
    His one flaw is that he develops from a group of wealth and privilege. For some that isn’t a flaw, however often wonder the way the loaded can relate with the issues of the under-class. But, i quickly remember that JFK originated in a similar background and he certainly could relate to those from lessor circumstances.
    Anyway, I believe that Republicans should give Huntsman more severe consideration instead of concentrating on the wing-nuts like Bachman and Perry.

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