What is Bilderberg Group?

In the height of all the controversy, and with blame at a heightened state in Washington, many of the candidates running in the 2012 election are gearing up for opposition. Texas Governor, Rick Perry, has not announced yet if he will run. As all the new candidates are under scrutiny by the media there has been some speculation that Perry is part of a secret group of elitists by the name of Bilderberg. The group may be part of a select few whose goals are to develop an international agenda.

The group was established in 1954, the Bilderberg Group holds annual meetings, which are by invitation only for the most wealthy and powerful people. Roughly one-third of those who attend are Americans and the rest are European. The group took the name Bilderberg after their first meeting which was held in Oosterbeek, Netherlands at the Hotel de Bilderberg.  There are those who believe the group is made up of an elite group of people whose strategic goal is a new world order. They meet to discuss, and influence, the changing global, political, economic and social landscape. Bilderberg -Planning on a New World Order. What appears to be the official website of Bilderberg is rather vague, but to the point. If it is in fact the groups web-site cannot be confirmed, however information on the site states:

What is unique about Bilderberg as a forum is

  • the broad cross-section of leading citizens that are assembled for nearly three days of informal and off-the-record discussion about topics of current concern especially in the fields of foreign affairs and the international economy;
  • the strong feeling among participants that in view of the differing attitudes and experiences of the Western nations, there remains a clear need to further develop an understanding in which these concerns can be accommodated;
  • the privacy of the meetings, which has no purpose other than to allow participants to speak their minds openly and freely.Bilderberg Meetings | The official website.

Governor Perry gets endorsement for Presidential election from Bilderberg according to Paul Joseph Watson of InfoWars.com. In an article he states, “While spewing Tea Party-style rhetoric about  secession, shooting coyotes and courting the favor of Christian evangelicals,  behind closed doors Perry has been quietly selling out Texas to globalist  interests, auctioning off  highways to foreign companies to turn them into profit-driven toll  roads.”

“Speculation that Perry is the Bilderberg group’s  ace card was prompted by the current political climate, which can largely be  gleaned from the fact that Perry is a longtime, unwavering supporter of the  NAFTA Superhighway and related infrastructure projects,” wrote  AFP’s Jim Tucker earlier this month. “These pave the way for the  Bilderberg-supported North American Union (NAU) proposal that would merge the  U.S., Canada and Mexico.” via » Bilderberg-Approved Perry Set to Become Presidential Frontrunner Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!  Although he is clearly violating the Logan Act, Governor Perry still attends the 2007 Bilderberg conference. viaBusted! Kathleen Sebelius admitts that she and Rick Perry are Bilderberg Group attendees! – Orange County: Campaign For Liberty. The Logan Act is a US federal law which prohibits unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. It was passed in 1799 and amended in 1994, violation of the law is a felony, punishable with up to three years in prison.

Executive Director Wes Benedict of the Libertarian Party expressed his voice regarding Mr. Perry. He said about Governor Perry, “You supported Lance Armstrong’s 3 billion dollar Texas taxpayer funded medical research center. That’s like Obama-Care. you secured a 300 million dollar business handout slush fund for you and just the two leaders of the legislature to dole out to whomever you felt like being friendly to.” He also went on to accuse Perry of a state business tax, setting up state toll booths on the TX highways, and signing an executive order which forces Texas schoolgirls to get the HPV vaccine – whether they, or their parents, want it or not. via Rick Perry slammed by Libertarian Director: video | Libertarian Party

Governor Perry has stated he will announce his plan to run for President this Saturday. Is it a good idea or not? You decide, and while you’re at it, you may want to look into all the candidates for yourself. Remember, the campaign trail has an historical record for producing a lot of rhetoric and very little action once they are in office.

Special thanks to those of you who provided information for this article.

Gina Aveni

Gina is a Journalist, Constitutional Rights Activist, Conservative Commentator.

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One Comment

        1. Yes James, I think a lot of people were holding out for the same thing. We have to find a way to sort through the ‘talk’ and figure out who will do the best to bring our country where she needs to be — at least get started in the right direction. Did you watch the debate last night?

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