
Barack Obama Steamrolls Towards Full Panic Mode in Latest Fundraiser Speech

In looking back at past presidential reelection campaigns, we see that an incumbent president faces the dilemma of having to fend off vigorous challengers for his job, while also having to be politically correct and acting somewhat presidential in public at the same time. When a sitting U.S. President comes out with blatant untruths and nasty, vitriolic rhetoric towards an as-yet-not-chosen adversary, (some 13 months before the elections) they come off as petty tyrants fearful of losing power, not presidential.  In another campaign fundraiser speech in San Diego California last night, Barack Obama proves to be in early panic mode, while also proving himself to be the greatest denier of reality to ever take a podium in America. There is also a glaring example of how Barack Obama is once again caught stating things that are simply not true in order to woo deep-pocketed Liberals.


Barack Obama has stated many times that he does not, in fact watch the GOP debates, as if to portray to the people that he is unbeatable in his 2012 reelection bid. Then he proves to the nation that he does in fact watch the debates in several of his statements last night at another fundraiser in San Diego:

“I mean has anybody been watching the debates lately?” Obama said. “You’ve got a governor whose state is on fire denying climate change.”  So much for denying that you are paying much attention to the GOP debates, Mr. President. Yes, the Presidential incumbent panic mode appears to be ramping up considerably within the Obama reelection community ever since Governor Rick Perry entered the race. Notice that Rick Perry was made the main target right off the bat last night? So Texas has had wildfires, and Barack Obama believes that it proves the liberal global warming propaganda of today to be a fact. Here is a little history lesson the president might want to acknowledge from CNN’s History of Wildfires:

Miramichi Fire

After a summer of sparse rain, sporadic wildfires in Maine and the Canadian province of New Brunswick reached disastrous levels in October 1825. Strong winds spurred the conflagration, which burned through forests and settlements in Maine and along the Miramichi River in Canada. Among the worst wildfires in North American history, the Miramichi fire burned 3 million acres, killed 160 people and left 15,000 homeless. ( emphasis mine)

Considering that in 1885, (some 60 years after the Miramichi wildfire) German mechanical engineer, Karl Benz designed and built the world’s first practical automobile to be powered by an internal-combustion engine. On January 29, 1886, Benz received the first patent (DRP No. 37435) for a gas-fueled car, we see that the biggest wildfires in U.S history did not have a single thing to do with climate change and gasoline-burning cars, period.  Barack Obama wants you to believe otherwise, which is why he uses the Liberal Climate Change propaganda as a main plank in his reelection campaign speeches. In this example here, he also uses it to bash Texas Governor Rick Perry at the same time.  In the meantime Barack Obama would like everyone to run out and buy a Chevy Volt from Government-Union- Motors, (GM)  even though the state of Texas is facing shortages of electricity largely due to Obama’s Extreme Political Activists (EPA) forcing the closure of major coal-burning electricity  plants due to the over-regulation based on their junk science. At the same time, let’s also acknowledge the fact that Barack Obama is flying around the country on the taxpayer’s pollution-spewing corporate jet while Congress is still mired in the FEMA funding stalemate. The very same taxpayer-paid FEMA funding that was created to help with tragedies such as the people of Texas whom are currently trying to recover from massive wildfires.  The tax dollars taken from the working class people to pay for FEMA programs are to be used to help states and cities recover from natural disasters, not your political agenda Mr. President.  Get back to Washington D.C and tell Senate majority tyrant Harry Reid that also.  WE The People are coming to take back  our Liberty in the 2012 elections, and Barack Obama darn well knows it.

A United States President spending too much time on the campaign trail 13 months before the elections points to a president in full panic mode. This current taxpayer-funded campaign trip will hit the Liberal cities of  Seattle, Wash., to Medina in the home of  former Microsoft executive Jon Shirely, to two more fundraising events in California’s silicone valley, to last night’s speech in San Diego, and finally ending up in Denver, Colorado. Is it any wonder as to why Barack Obama is widely portrayed as leaving this country leaderless while spending countless days on the campaign trail such as this latest one?  Being our President means leading this country in solving the endless problems in Congress that currently plague this nation, not running around the country begging hypocritical crony-capitalists for $35,800 a seat just to help spread your campaign propaganda. America needs a leader today, not a campaigner in chief.


Barack Obama is so out of touch with reality about just how the American people truly feel about his failure to deliver on his promises of the 2008 campaign, along with how disgusted they are with his economy-crushing policy agenda, that he all but calls them completely ignorant morons in the following statement. Obama said 2012 would be an especially tough election because people are discouraged and disillusioned with government, but he also said he was determined because so much is at stake. (Panic city proven right there) We The People are Disillusioned? With Americans currently staring at 9% unemployment, record housing foreclosures, very high gasoline prices, a country that hasn’t had a firm budget going on 3 straight years of Democratic rule, $15 trillion dollars of debt being slapped onto the backs of our children, our very own government caught red-handing enabling the sale of assault weapons to Mexican drug cartels, the Solyndra solar panel pay-for-play Democratic slush fund that cost taxpayers half a billion dollars, the Obama-care destruction of our health-care system looming, along with the collapse of  our Social Security/Medicare fund due to Democrat’s refusal to address the unfunded liabilities in it that has many Seniors in fear for their survival, and you say WE The People are somehow disillusioned?  Those facts  say that you are the one who is truly disillusioned Mr. President, not We The People.

Further proof of the Obama-panic-mode setting in can be found in the yet another statement made in San Diego, ( not to mention that it contains a very nasty lie) when Obama referred to the Floridians at the most recent GOP debate:  “It’s true. You’ve got audiences cheering at the prospect of somebody dying because they don’t have healthcare”  For a sitting President to tell that ludicrous lie as a pathetic attempt to denounce the folks of  Florida at the GOP debate is petty and disgusting, to say the least. It also shows just how out of touch with the reality of the voting public that Barack Hussein Obama really is.  Obama now has an actual record that he must defend in an election, and that record now points to an abysmal failure of his policies and incompetence. So what is an incumbent President to do to remain in the White House for four more years while staring in the face of record disapproval ratings? He has nothing more to offer than to revert back to the undefined hope and change rhetoric of 2008, and hope that Americans will be fooled by his supposed charm and charisma, with an added  dose of class warfare thrown in, as is the usual pattern that fake Democrat’s have used throughout history to cover up their agenda and remain in power.  Since the 2012 election campaign of Barack Obama will be pretty much a 2008 Hope n Change 2.0 retread, let’s revisit that campaign as a reminder of how uniformed the American public was when they were duped into voting for this community organizer in chief.

In the 2008 Presidential elections, we all heard candidate Obama state that we are just 8 days away from, “fundamentally transforming America.” Almost 3 years into his presidency, Americans are now realizing that Barack Obama’s main agenda is exposed as a Liberal anti-capitalistic ideology of transforming America into a failed Socialist nation through Marxist wealth redistribution policies. And they do not like it one bit.  Campaigner-in-Chief Barack Obama also reiterates his Marxist transformation of America platform in this statement, also made in San Diego last night:  “This is a choice about the fundamental direction of our country,” the president said. “2008 was an important direction. 2012 is a more important election.”  Damn straight Mr. President, the 2012 elections are indeed a choice about the direction that America has been heading in since you were elected on the undefined hope and change fraud in 2008, and we intend to change that direction for the betterment of all Americans in 2012, simply by ensuring that you are a one-term President. (Relegated to the dustbin of  other presidential failures in U.S. history, such as Mr. Jimmy Carter.)  Carter was simply a Liberal- Democratic  puppet,  surrounded by a slew of  economically- illiterate advisers, while you, on the other hand have proven yourself to be an anti-American, conniving long-time student of Weather-underground  terrorist Bill Ayers and the radical community organizer Saul Alinsky,  hell-bent on destroying American freedoms and liberty through the collapse/takeover/government intrusion into the very American capitalistic system that has made us the greatest nation on earth for over two hundred years.  If  Barack Obama thinks that  We The People  will allow him to continue to destroy American culture and Liberty through another fours years of his Marxist policies, he is the one who is truly disillusioned. (In the above link we see a long list of Alinsky students, including democrats Bill and Hillary Clinton, George Miller, and ex-Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. )


In summary, we will end this short  Obama campaign-panic-mode expose’ with a quote straight from Barack Obama’s life-long mentor, Bill Ayers:  ” The only path to the final defeat of  imperialism and the building of socialism is revolutionary war.”  Barack Obama’s first major political announcement was back in 1995 when he announced his intentions of running for the U.S. Senate…. from Bill Ayers living room.  For a very serious, detailed history of just how Barack Obama was injected into American politics, who was behind it all, and a better understanding of the Obama agenda of today,  check out  The Obama File.

Barack Obama must once again fool the American voting public into ignoring  his proven deep seated radical ideology, in which America is brought to her knees by collapsing our country under the weight of big government Socialism using the Bill Ayers/Saul Alinsky taught Marxist revolutionary tactics of class warfare and wealth redistribution to divide the country and remain in power. America has recently awakened to the reality that another four years of Barack Obama  could truly transform America…. to the detriment of the American way of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness without government intervention. This is what the 2012 Presidential elections comes down to, a vote for American freedoms and prosperity, or a vote for the stealth Socialism that Barack Obama is currently injecting into the American way of life.









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