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Black Group Sues Democratic Party for Racial Discrimination/Demands Apology From Obama

  A class action lawsuit was filed in a U.S. District Court in Seattle, Washington against the Democratic Party of America for it’s long history of racial discrimination against African-Americans. The lead plaintiff is listed as one Wayne Perryman, an African-American Minister, author and community organizer from Mercer, Washington.  This group is neither a small group of rabble-rousing trouble-makers out to make a name for themselves in a publicity stunt, nor are they in this for money. They are in fact, not suing for a dime, but instead are demanding an apology for the Democratic Party of America’s longstanding and continuing racial discrimination against black Americans stretching from the year 1792 right up to 2011. Mr Perryman also names the President of the United States as a defendant in the lawsuit, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, seeing as he is the head of the Democratic Party today, and because of things Barack wrote in his book Dreams From My Father.

   Apparently Barack Obama played it a little too cool, for Mr Perryman’s liking when he sent a letter to President Obama back in 2009, demanding that President Obama issue a national apology for his Democratic Party’s long time discrimination against blacks, and to which Obama either completely ignored, or flat out refused to do. Either way President Obama didn’t make the public apology, so now it is going to court demanding nothing more than an apology from Obama on the behalf of the Democratic Party of America. After the news of this lawsuit gets out, I,m betting someone will be called to the White House for maybe another beer summit, to say the least. This is the last thing Obama needs to deal with, while running around the country in campaign mode 24/7.  I,m sure the questions will be asked as to why he refused to offer up a simple apology for the proven Democratic Party transgressions against blacks throughout American history. Just like when Mr. Perryman sent him the letter demanding the apology, Mr. Obama will simply refuse to acknowledge it, let alone to answer the questions.

A press release from The Frederick Douglas Foundation  lays out some pretty heady stuff about the merits of this lawsuit, and just who is behind it:

The plaintiffs, who refer to the defendants as “Father of Racism,” allege that as an organization, the Democratic Party has consistently refused to apologize for the role they played in slavery and Jim Crow laws and for other subsequent racist practices from 1792 to 2011.

The case cites the collective work of over 350 legal scholars and includes Congressional records, case law, research from our nation’s top history professors, racist statements from Democratic elected officials, citations from the Democrat’s National Platforms regarding their support of slavery, excepts of speeches from Senator Obama, individual testimonies from blacks who lived in the Jim Crow South and opinions from the NAACP.

Perryman said, “Any organization that has such a racist history and receives 97% of the African American vote (after doing all they could to deny blacks the right to vote), should willingly apologize without being forced do so through a lawsuit. He said, “I guess they feel they have nothing to apologize for.”


 We have to wonder if any of the Congressional Black Caucus members pictured here will be willing to maybe give a little bit of their microphone/TV time to utter this apology instead of devoting it to their recent barrage of ignorant, racist rhetoric like calling Tea Party folks terrorists, and saying that Republicans want to hang them all up from a tree?  As we see in the paragraph above, the CBC isn’t the only one who is referring to Jim Crow laws, as many blacks who lived in the Jim Crow South have testified about the Democrat’s history of discrimination and are in fact, including those documents in their brief. How about it Maxine Waters? Will you tell this group of black professors, scholars and top history professors to go to hell too, just like you told the Tea Party which we saw broadcast on national TV?  How about Barack Obama giving up 10 minutes of  his seemingly 24/7 Hollywood movie-star-like desires to be seen and heard on our TV’s 7 days a week to tell us about the Democrat’s long-standing history of discrimination against blacks, lawsuit here? Hang on a minute here, do any of our readers think for just one minute that Barack Obama is going to admit how his Democratic Party has oppressed and discriminated against black Americans while at the same time, begging for their very important support for another four years in office?  Didn’t think so.



Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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