DNC Launches Ad Campaign To Promote Jobs Bill

DNC Launches Ad Campaign

The Democrat National Committee (DNC) is launching an advertising campaign in politically key states and cities aimed at getting the public behind President Barack Obama’s new jobs plan. In a 33 minute speech delivered to a joint session of Congress on September 8, 2011, President Barack Obama repeated the phrase “Pass this jobs bill now” seventeen times. There is one thing wrong with repeating that phrase: there is no bill.

The television ads show parts of Obama’s speech promoting the $447 billion package of tax cuts and new spending. They urge viewers to “Read it. Fight for it. … Pass the President’s Jobs Plan.” The 30-second advertisements open with footage of Obama encouraging Congress to pass the bill. The ads focus on Obama, on September 8, 2011, telling Congress, “The next election is 14 months away. And the people who sent us here, the people who hired us to work for them, they don’t have the luxury of waiting 14 months.”

Ads are airing in key markets in swing and early voting states: Denver, Co.; Tampa and Orlando, Fla.; Des Moines, Iowa; Las Vegas, Nev.; Manchester, N.H.; Raleigh and Charlotte, N.C.; Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio; and Norfolk, Richmond and Roanoke, Va.; and Washington, D.C. The advertisements began airing yesterday (Monday September 12, 2011) and are the first round that will last for several weeks.

Jobs Bill – Finally, Specifics

I searched today (September 12, 2011) for ANY specifics and/or contents of Obama’s jobs bill. I found references to Obama’s “Rose Garden” speech in which he waved his “jobs bill.” Flanked by teachers, construction workers, and veterans, Obama was in the White House Rose Garden, where he announced he was sending his jobs bill to Congress and urged it get passed quickly. During the 20 minute speech, in which he was often interrupted by applause, Obama urged Congress to keep politics out of it when it comes to passing the bill.

Speaker Boehner [in a letter to Obama] points out that he would like to a actually see the bill, in writing, and that it be scored by the CBO before they can even consider passing it. Can you believe the arrogance of these Republicans? They actually want to read the bill before hurry, hurry, passing it! The Speaker’s letter also contains another bit of revelation intended to help President Obama to discover the American way of passing legislation. The letter informs the President that Republicans will also reserve the right to make changes as they see fit to Obama’s latest stimulus scam attempt disguised as a jobs bill.

Finally, I found some specifics of the “American Jobs Act of 2011.” The White House today sent the Congress a 155 page jobs bill. Here is a bill analysis as provided by the White House.   [emphasis mine]

CDN has a link to the full text of the American Jobs Act of 2011.

So the DNC is starting an advertising campaign for a bill that was delivered today (September 12, 2011), has not even been read by Congress, and the public are just now getting specifics provided by the White House. Are not DNC support and advertisements touting it a bit premature? (am I allowed to use that word, or will its use be aborted? 😉 )

But that’s just my opinion.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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