Let’s talk about the positives.
As a viewer at home, this format was one of the best so far. It was very helpful to have the topic being discussed and the question printed so clearly at the bottom of the screen.
While Wolf Blitzer was not nearly as condescending as the hosts in the previous debate (Brian Williams, specifically), he left a lot to be desired. But what else can we expect from a left-leaning network?
Now let’s move on to why we are really here. The actual debate. Where, oh where, shall we begin?
We’ll start with the easy ones first.
Jon Huntsman. There’s really not much that can be added that hasn’t been said before. Jon Huntsman is delusional and should just accept the fact that he’s running on the wrong ticket.
Mitt Romney. He lost the nomination last time, so therefore, the GOP Establishment obviously feels like it’s “Mitt’s Turn” to be the nominee. Sorry, GOP Establishment, We The People have had enough of you caring more about who’s “turn” it is, rather than who the People want as their nominee! It’s no wonder why people have left the Republican Party in droves, and now identify themselves as Tea Party members, Independents, Conservatives, or some mixture of the the three.
Ron Paul was Ron Paul. There is no doubt what Ron Paul believes. You know who he is. He’s been exactly the same for the last 30 years. In debates, he’s also the same. He has a couple of moments where he shines brightly. In the very next second he crashed and burned. Tonight’s debate was the same as any other debate. Ron Paul shines brightly. He crashes and burns.
Moving on along.
Rick Santorum. As was the case in the last debate, you almost forget he’s a candidate until he’s asked a question. By the time the next question gets to him, you’ve forgotten him already.
Newt Gingrich had another good night. Last week was the now-infamous scolding of the MSNBC Debate moderators. In tonight’s debate, the former Speaker of The House stood out yet again. Unfortunately, while he has some really great points, is very knowledgable in our history and has a lot of great ideas, his demeanor comes across as very cranky. Speaker Gingrich should most definitely be a member of the elected President’s cabinet.
Herman Cain. Mr. Cain is, in many ways, exactly what this country needs! He is not a politician, he is a business man. He’s never held a political position, but has been very successful in the business world. While there are many positives about Mr. Cain, there are also a some negatives that have started to show through, in the course of these debates. In tonight’s debate, he clarified his stance on the Federal Reserve a bit better than he has previously, but he still did not come across strong enough on this issue.
Michele Bachmann. Before she entered the race for the presidency she was someone to watch. However, she continues to slide further and further from relevancy in this race. While tonight she fared a bit better than the previous debate, it was by a very, very, very slim margin. She’s hanging her hat on the fact that she was the winner of the Iowa Straw Poll, yet fails to realize that poll is not a determining factor in the actual election.
That brings us to the last candidate.
Rick Perry. While last week’s debate was an all-out brawl against the Governor of Texas because he dares to call Social Security what it is- a Ponzi Scheme, this week’s debate became the Gardasil attack. Governor Perry made it very clear that he made a mistake with this piece of legislation.
In 2007, Governor Perry issued a very controversial executive order mandating that girls in Texas receive the HPV vaccine. There was an opt-out option for parents in the original executive order. Later that same year, after much opposition from the citizens of Texas, Governor Perry signed into law a bill that would undo his executive order.
9-14-11 Editing to add a correction to the original article: Governor Perry did not actually sign the law, stating:
“Rather than allowing this issue to be held captive one more day by legislative politics and the inevitable posturing that will ensure during a veto override debate, I have decided to let it become law without my signature. It is time to move this issue from the political arena to the court of public opinion where real lives are at st[ake], and it is time to do so without delay.”
continuing with the original article:
In tonight’s debate, Governor Perry was asked directly if he would make a different decision now, if he had it to do all over again. Without hesitation he said that his decision had been wrong, and he would not make the same decision again. He added that in matters of life, he will always err on the side of life.
There are those who use this one wrong decision to completely discount the positive things about his leadership abilities.
There is one other issue that is a chink in Governor Perry’s armor, and that is his stance on immigration. While simply building a fence is not the solution, neither are sanctuary cities or any form of the Dream Act. While Texas’ Dream Act may not be the same as Harry Reid’s Dream Act, the fact is simple: if someone is here illegally, they are violating the law!
It will be interesting to see if all 8 candidates are still around, or if perhaps we will see any new faces in the next debate .
Sources, as provided by a CDN reader:
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