This week we learned that Florida added nearly 10,000 jobs in July. This is welcome news. In fact, since I became Governor in January, Florida has gained 71,600 jobs. I continue to work my hardest every day to ensure that this trend continues. Although Florida is heading in the right direction, we still have a long way to go. Our states’ unemployment rate is 10.7 percent. This is simply unacceptable.
While this has to be very encouraging news for the state of Florida, as Gov. Scott states, it is still at an unacceptably high level. At least we are moving in the right direction during the current Obama recession, which is a lot more than we can say for some of the higher unemployment states listed here. Nancy Pelosi’s Calif. is at 12.1% and Harry Reid’s state of Nevada leads the nation in unemployment at a whopping 13.4%. In comparison, North Dakota currently has the nation’s lowest U/E rate at a wonderfully low 3.5%.
While Florida’s U/E rate remained stubbornly high at 10.7%, we did add over 9900 jobs in July. Today is September 17th and in all fairness, we have to wonder what the most recent jobs data will show. If we added a significant number of jobs in August, I am sure the Governor’s office would already have made that information available this late in September. Looking at the bright side, at least we are no longer bleeding jobs by the thousands as we saw in recent Florida jobs history, when it hit 12% last December. Note: It now appears possible that the Governor’s email letter misstated the month for which he is referring to there, as this article says those numbers are for August right in their headline.
The Florida Economic Estimating Conference says that the future of Florida’s jobs picture doesn’t look too optimistic, in a revised outlook, the group of statewide economists now predicts unemployment will rise to 11 percent by the end of this year and only drop down to 10.6 percent by the end of 2012, essentially where we are now.
“Their overall optimism has been pulled back to some degree,” said Rebbeca Rust, chief economist with AWI. They list the main reasons for what appears to be a stagnant Florida jobs picture for the next two years as the troubled housing market in Florida which saw foreclosures rise by 5% between July and August, a stalled manufacturing sector due to concerns that we are still in a recession, and more government cutbacks that are expected as more state and local governments budget for a low or no growth environment. Keep in mind that that information comes via the far left St. Pete Times that rarely publishes anything good about Governor Rick Scott. They instead, seem content to continue crying about how their much- hearalded candidate, Liberal Alex Sink got voted down by the informed voters of Florida in 2010. While said Liberal media-puppets constantly whine about conservatives criticizing Barack Obama and demanding that they respect the office of the President, how about the misfits at the St. Pete Times trying what they are dishing out and show some respect for the Governor of Florida, Rick Scott’s office for just once?
I have worked and lived in the Tampa Bay of Florida area for over 25 years, and I am hear to tell you that the stubbornness of the recovery from this current recession in the Tampa area is a direct result of big government meddlers creating an unfriendly business atmosphere from within in the local and county governments. This is the reason Governor Scott has created a group that’s only job is to eliminate the thousands of job-killing regulations that have been enacted by past big government authoritative administrations. From Washington DC to Tallahasee Florida, and every town in between we are seeing thousands of over-bearing government regulations that are creating a climate of uncertainty and are in fact cost-prohibitive to business creation and expansion. Governor Scott understands this as much as any businessman, and that is why he is trying to walk back decades of big government gone wild in the State of Florida today. Thank you Governor Scott.
Governor Scott has made major advances towards improving the Florida economy and business atmosphere in his first half year in office. He is also fighting against the mainly Liberal media and nanny-state worshippers here in Florida on a daily basis who think it is the government’s job to support them through the usage of taxpayer dollars. Tampa’s problem was they they had an over-abundance of ill-advised investors that bought into the mortgage scam, making Tampa especially hard-hit by the housing mortgage crisis. Because of this, many areas of Tampa now look like the Detroit of the South, with abandoned homes that have been stripped of everything by thieves, and are in abundance in many neighborhoods. To add to the problem, many, many of the local politicians enriched themselves and their relatives during the mortgage crisis, yet none of this was reported in the news here.
Does Florida have a huge political corruption problem? Considering that the prior two governors have called for grand jury investigations into Florida’s political corruption, we have to say yes we do. Myfoxtampabay has a great explanation on it here. You may also want to meet a Democrat from Hillsborough county Fl, one Kevin White, who is on trial for more corruption felonies than I have time to put into this article. It may/should anger the hard-working folks of Florida when they see that they are paying for this corrupto-crats lawyer also. There is also the case of former RPOF Chair Jim Greer’s current corruption trial as reported here. While those felonious corruption trials are ongoing in Florida, we see several instances of Florida politicians getting off scott-free in the past: Florida corruption denies Congress the ability to ever to win the people’s trust. U.S. Congresswoman Corrine Brown has gotten away with her corruption there. And in the ultimate example of Democratic Party corruption here in Florida, meet the impeached Federal Judge, one Alcee Hastings, whom is now serving in his 8th term in the U.S. House of Representatives!
Do we have a corruption problem in the state of Florida today? YES. Are politicians above the law in America? Apparently so, if you look at the examples above. What does it say about the state of Florida when this political corruption goes unpunished for decades? How in the world is an impeached Judge who was caught on tape accepting 150 grand to throw a case before him in court by the FBI, allowed to serve in the U.S. Congress? Ask the people in Alcee Hastings district who keep on reelecting him about that form of ignorance and denial of us having honest representatives from Florida in our Congress.
How about the Grand Jury being called up to investigate all of this corruption in Florida Governor Scott? Where does the Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi stand on this obvious epidemic of corruption in Florida? Career politicains who never get prison time and/or heavy fines for their corruption just invites more corruption. Let’s call up a Grand Jury investigation and DO IT NOW !
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